13. Head Start

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With only so much time left before school ended, all the students were preparing for what lies ahead of them. Miss Kimi was handing out career suggestions to the students according to the places they had applied to.

"Toshinori, I see you applied for UA " She flipped through the pages in her file.

" That's right ma'am." Izuku was busy sketching in his notebook but instantly replied to his teachers statement.

"Were gonna be the first students of our school to get into UA." Kirishima said as he struck a triumphant pose.

"Well then, I wish all of you the best of luck. But for now Kirishima, please get down from your table."

" Y-Yes ma'am."

The rest of the class had their own opinions to share. "I don't know if they'll even get into UA."

"I know, that school only has a 0.2 acceptance rate."

"They're not the top hero school in Asia for no reason, ya know."

"Still, with flashy quirks like their's, those three can get in just like that."

"I'm putting my bets on Toshinori."

"With that quirk of his, I bet he's gonna get a lot of attention too."

"His quirk is probably the best in case of offense."

"Everybody, calm down..." The homeroom teacher requested as her students simmered down. "But still, it is true. Your quirks are extremely unique, especially you Toshinori. I wouldn't be surprised if you managed to overthrow your competitors." She added with a smile.

"Yeah, the three of us are gonna destroy the entrance exam." Ashido cheered. We

"Sorry to disappoint you all....but, I've already been recommended there."

"WHAT?!" The entire class yelled out in unison. Izuku rubbed the back of his neck as the envious glares locked onto him from almost all directions.

Lunch Break

"Hey Sekigai, I heard you're applying for Isamu High." Ashido asked her classmate as she walked along.

"Yeah, I've already submitted my form."

"I was hoping you'd be going to UA with the three of us. You know your quirks is really versatile you know." Izuku complimented.

"Thanks, but my mom really insisted that I went there. She's a teacher there after all."

"Well, good luck then."

"Thanks, same to you guys." The spectacled girl waved as she walked off.

"Speaking of getting in....HOW COME YOU DIDN'T TELL US YOU GOT A RECOMMENDATION !?" Kirishima yelled at the greenet.

"Hey, I had no idea either. Dad told me last night."

"Aww man, and I thought we would get to team up in the practical part of the entrance exam." Mina said as she slumped on the cafeteria table.

"Don't worry, recommendation students still have to go through the written part like everyone else. And besides, they'd split us up anyway considering we're from the same school."

"Wae sewiuswee?" Ejiro asked with his mouth full.

"Eww, close your mouth." Mina leaned away as.

School Ends

"Hey, you boys wanna go to the new food stall downtown?"

"You mean the one with the calamari rolls?" Kirishima got excited.

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