17. The Entrance Exam

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Staff Lounge, UA
Entrance Exam day

"So, that's all?" Izuku stood up from the sofa, readjusting his bag.

"Yeah and remember, we'll be watching." Yagi replied as he put down the teacup from his hands.

The greenet nodded in return, showing off a cheerful smile before walking out of the room.

"I never thought he'd be such a tough negotiator." All Might mouthed, taking a sip from the cup of whisking tea.

"It was inevitable. He's very persistent after all." Nezu remarked the boy as he poured himself another cup of tea. "And since results will be same either way, might as well let the boy have a bit of fun."

"I see your point sir."

"And on the plus side, the staff will get a chance to see his progress. Of course it may result in a few unfortunate souls having their spirits crushed by the absolute turmoil oF INESCAPABLE FAILURE!!!"

 Of course it may result in a few unfortunate souls having their spirits crushed by the absolute turmoil oF INESCAPABLE FAILURE!!!"

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"Uh sir... Is it really appropriate to think that way?"

Nezu regained his bearings, " I'm just a bit excited to have one of our former students return...as a new student!"

"I understand." Yagi nodded with uncertainty, putting down the empty cup on the table.

Written Exam venue

Izuku had already made it to the auditorium and managed to meet up with his friends.  There were screens in front of each seat and all of them were numbered according to the application serial of the students. Izuku, Ejiro and Mina were all placed side by side. However, Ashido's spirit sank once Izuku reminded her that they'd all be getting separate questions. And just like every year, this year's questions were considerably difficult.

Fortunately for Izuku's friends, they all heeded his warning and studied well for the test. And from the expression of their faces, Izuku guessed that it paid off as well. Once the written part was over, all students were told to stay in their places because the practical part debriefing would begin shortly.

"Wazzup UA candidates. Thanks for tunin' in to me, your school DJ.... Present Mic!!! Come on up and lemme hear ya!" The pro hero burst out with an ecstatic tune to his voice.

The hall remained silent.

"Keepin' it mellow huh? Let's skip to the main course and talk about the practical exams then. Are you readyyyy?!"

Even more silence.

"Anyway, I understand that the exam's gotten y'all tensed so let's cut to the chase! The entire thing's pretty easy though. All of you'll be split up to different locations and you'll be using your quirks and skill set to knock down a few fake villains and collect as many points in return as possible. There's gonna be four kind'sa these fake villains. The smallest being the 1 pointers, the medium ones are 2 and the big ones are 3 pointers. All of their points'll be marked on their chest plates and heads. Y'all are free to use your quirks as ya wish. However, do anything un-heroic like using your quirk against other candidates or sabotaging them will result in immediate disqualification."

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