Chapter 3- Faye's POV

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Silence. Awkward dead silence is all the I hear. We got in the cupboard and sat next to each other. Crumpling up into our own little balls. Each to our knees touch I feels this jolt of electricity. I have missed him.

"So you and Eleanor?"I say trying to break the silence.

"Yep." Is all he says.

"So what did Kate and Amy do when they found out?" I ask

"Well Amy tried to do a back flip but she can't even do a front flip so it ended up with her in hospital... Again. She also wrote 'I knew it' on her cast. Kate though just went mute for the rest of the day and was confused about everything."

For a few seconds there's silence again.

"I-" we both start.

"You go first" I say

"I've really missed you Faye." He says looking into my eyes with his own.

"I missed you too." I say now fully aware of the fact that are heads are moved towards each other. Our faces are so close now and he looks like he's about to kiss me. But before I can even start to process this thought, there's a noise from outside.

"10! 9! 8! 7!" Is the shouting outside.

"We should probably get ready to go." I say moving away from him though my body screams from the lack of contact.

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1!" They say as Amy opens the door.

The rest of the night goes by in a blur. The only part that I remember is when Lily went in with Rikhil and coming out with Lily's lip gloss smudge and faint pink marks on Rikhil's face.

Before I know it I am walking towards college with Caitlin and Amy. Caitlin's wearing a long knitted sweater that says 'yea I like cats... DEAL WITH IT!' That's paired with dark denim jeans. Amy's wearing a mischief managed Harry Potter top with white jeans.

"So what happened with John last night?" Amy asks as we sit down on the grass.

"Well we were talking about Eleanor but then he said he missed me and then we kinda almost kissed." Faye reply's causing Caitlin to jump up and shout.

"YOU STILL LIKE JOHN!" As she says this Kate, John, Logan and Eleanor walk up to join us.

"Wait who likes who I am so confused!" Says john sitting down next to me. I can feel myself turn bright red so I pretend to look in my book bag for something. Then a guy is next to me whispering in my ear:

"You need some help. You seem to be looking for something." I turn around and see one of the cutest boy I have ever seen. He has dark brown only a little longer than John's and mysterious brown eyes. He sits down in between me and John, and is it my imagination or does John seem slightly annoyed at this?

"Hi my names Matthew and you are?" He says

"I'm Faye." I say before introducing him to everyone else.

We invite him to hang out with us at this restaurant called Sparks. Then it's time for class.

Before Sparks I am hanging out at Amy's house. And, for some reason I am nervous about hanging out with Matthew. It's not like we are going to be the only ones there. Eventually Amy decides to wear a black cropped sweater and denim jeans and one of her signature hipster head bands. I decide to wear a black and pink knitted sweater and black jeggings. We sit down on her huge bed

"So what's the deal with you and Matthew?" She asks getting straight to the point.

"I don't know he's really cute and all and when we had a class he seemed really sweet." I say

"My reading of the situation is that you like Matthew but your confused because of your relation ship with John." She says

"I think you might be right."

"I'm always right."

Then we walk down to sparks because it's only a street away from Amy's house. When we get there Logan, Matthew, John and Eleanor are there. Amy walks up to Logan and gives him a kiss. For a second I am shocked because I didn't realise they were a couple. I want to say something about it but instead I say:

"Where is everyone else?"

"They cancelled." Replies Matthew. I sit down next to him and we order our food.

We have all finished our food and we are just kind of sitting her and talking. Then suddenly Logan and Amy are making out and are soon followed by John and Eleanor. And I am really angry and I think to myself I really like Mathew. So I pull him towards me and kiss him. When we pull apart everyone is looking at me including an extremely mad John...

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