Chapter 4- Johns POV

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"I miss you too." Said Faye as I stared deep into her beautiful eyes that immediately put me into a trance. Slowly our heads move closer to one another as if we were about to kiss and all I could think was how beautiful Faye is and how her voice could just-

"Hey John, I think I see Kate." Said Eleanor, interrupting my reflection on last night. I can't think of Faye like that... Not when I have Eleanor after all.

I looked up to see a stress and annoyed Kate. She wore a denim jacket along with a dark green top and black leggings. While her hair was out up in a high ponytail. She walked up to us while tapping her wrist subconsciously, telling me that she was extremely stress.

"Am I late? Wait, wait do I have all my stuff.... Have we been given our timetables yet? Have we-"

"Kate, calm down. The day hasn't even started." I reassured her as we began to walk to the class. "Why are you late anyways? You're usually early for everything.... Or try to be."

"Remember George? From our Australia trip we did?"

"Uh yeah..." I said slowly as I attempted to remember him. We went to Australia quite a bit during the last few years as well as some other countries so it was a bit difficult in trying to keep up with all the friends we made.

"Well I owe him a favor and that favor is having his mate- Dylan room with me." She said pulling a face. "And the idiot just made me late by sleeping through his alarm. I even told him that he has to wake up early, also he already broke like two glass cups of mine!" She ranted getting more and more heated. "I swear I will murder him in his sleep."

"Whoa Kate... Calm yourself." Said Eleanor. "He probably didn't mean too."

"Oh he meant too. Trust me." She said shortly.

"Who's the guy?"

"Him." Replied my friend as she pointed to a boy that was tan and had brown hair. He was also pretty tall and had muscles along with piercing blue eyes. He caught sight of our group and sent a smirk to seemingly Kate's way making her glare at him.

We continued our way to the our classroom with Logan joining us in our conversation of the teachers and lessons that we'll have to put up with. I didn't participate in it as much as I was fighting a battle in my mind. I really like Eleanor and we've been together for sometime now, nearly three years infact. However when Faye came back into my life....

"YOU STILL LIKE JOHN!" Shouted out Caitlin as we just entered.

I felt my heartbeat pick up slightly at those words and ignored Eleanor's look of confusion.

"Wait, who likes who? I am so confused!" I commented as I sat down at a desk near them, acting as if I didn't hear what Faye screamed. I noticed as I said those words Faye went brilliantly red and she immediately started to look for something in her bag. I was about to say something to Faye but then some guy took my chance and promptly sat down beside her, blocking me.

They had a bit of chat making me extremely annoyed, but I shouldn't be. I have Eleanor, I shouldn't have these feelings for Faye anyways. Especially since I barely know her... But I couldn't help it, she's just so.... Ugh, I can't do this. I can't be thinking these things or having these emotions for her, not only am I in a relationship with Eleanor but I'm thinking of popping the question to her.

The day went by normally except for the moment that I caught Amy and Michael kissing behind a tree during free period, I just awkwardly walked away hoping they wouldn't see me as I smirked that the old ship was now probably going to come true. Poor Logan.

Soon it was time for our dinner at Sparks which pretty much everyone cancelled on. Kate had to make sure that Dylan wasn't going to break another glass or mess up her stereo system, Caitlin had to do something to do with gymnastics while everyone else just lost interest so it was pretty much Eleanor, Logan, Matthew and I. I feel sorry for Logan since he really likes Amy but I'm sure they'll sort it out if things get messy.

"Why are you glaring at Matt?" Eleanor whispered to me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know... Don't trust him." I said with a shrug making her laugh slightly. I felt a smile tug at my lips as I heard that beautiful laugh but then my smile widened slightly when I spot Faye and Amy walking in.

We then began to talk about our day and the stuff we've endured. We also talked about a few random stuff like what would happen if daisies could walk around the place.

Yeah, we're weird.

The whole ordeal was going quite well and I nearly began to like Matt a bit more then I did before. But then several events happened- everyone began to make out with one another. Well I think it was everyone else, I was too busy kissing Eleanor's soft lips to notice but I did notice how Faye went red when she kissed Matt after everyone was done with their make out session. And I also notice a fire of hatred now burning inside of me.

He doesn't deserve to be with her nor does he deserve to kiss her, he barely even knows her. In fact he just met her.

Maybe I should warn him or get Amy to do it for me....

Either way he needs to keep his distance away from Faye. I don't trust him

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2015 ⏰

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