So this is my skitzo thought, just writen down XD
Poetry of an outcast
I can't win this game.
This game is too hard
Please tell me the rules, lay it out for me
Give me cheat code
Guide line, this game is too hard!
Too hard,
Release me from this game.
Bright red, release me from this game of life
Stop, your game isn't as hard as others.
Look at people starving in Africa,
Their game is layed out for them,
Kindness and survival,
With one of those two things they can be remebered,
Or live on.
Then what about the children on streets prositutes, you have an easy life compared to children like them
Beaten because their parents are drunk,
Sexualy harrassed because they didn't know that's what the rod led too,
You have no right to escape the game,
Being a socail outcast is nothing to,
You can't get out of the game because of that, they will soon be memories
Lessons, so keep playing
Keep playing the hard game.
Fine, I hate you
It's okay
Ya thanks.
Your welcome