thirty five

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jisung chewed on his nails nervously, standing outside of hyunjins door. he knew it was open but he knocked anyway, too scared to just walk in and say what he had to say. moments later hyunjin walked out with a smile on his face until he saw the younger.

"hey sungie, i told you the door wa"

"i love you."

the two boys stared at each other, the tallers mouth dropped, his eyes looking in the younger boys for any sign of a joke until a soft smile appeared on his face.

"yeah um ... i love you. alot. its fine if you don't feel the same, but i want you to know," jisung takes a deep breath, the smile never leaving his face, looking down. "you saved me. in every way. i was basically on the breaking point before i met you, even with the support of my friends, you were just ... different. it was weird to see a stranger care for me without even knowing me but it felt nice regardless. when thinking about it, its funny that a mutual friend stopped me from ending it. but you're alot more. these past few months, you've looked after me, cared for me to no end and i can't help but want to be the only person you treat like that. but thats just you, hyunjin. you're so selfless and its so annoying. its annoying because i cant find a single flaw about you, to make me stop feeling these things about you. god this is so stupid."

jisung chuckles as hot tears fall on his cheeks, as he looks back up at hyunjin. walking away. he knew it was too good to be true, that the older boy would feel the same. he just stands there on his doormat, in the cold.

until said boy comes back, holding the familiar blue blanket that they would always cuddle up with. hyunjin steps infront of the shorter boy, wrapping the blanket around him with a soft smile on his face.

it was barely heard over the wind, but it was so loud to jisung it pounded through his ears.

"i love you too."

before jisung could express his shock, the taller boy leant down before pressing his lips against the youngers. their lips moved together like it was rehearsed, as if they were meant for each other. but the kiss was soft, nothing urgent as they stood outside of hyunjins house, wishing time would go slower. after pulling away, jisungs eyes fluttered open to see hyunjin smiling at him.

"movie night?"

"wouldn't miss it."


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