Delicious looking stranger

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Stacey POV
                     Buzz Buzz Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!! I groan in annoyance and slam the alarm clock off
                     I am almost in Land LA LA again when someone decides to use the worst mode of torture on me . They open up my curtains
                    Ahhhhhh I open my eyes and fall from the bed dramatically .
        "Oh the light!" What kinda monster opens the window of an innocent sleeping girl at five AM on a SATURDAY morning .
                "Rise and shine sleepy head " My sisters high pitched forever happy voice yells.
              I groan "its Saturday leave me alone you monster "
                 She laughs "oh sis your so funny " I groan that wasn't even a joke.

                       Ten minutes later I'm out of the bathroom and doing my hair . I have undoubtedly long red hair . I remember how I used to hate my red hair when I was younger but not now I love my hair . My sister and I have the same hair and eye colour we got it from my mom. Having the rarest hair and eye colour in the planet makes us stand out a lot in places. But we end up getting use to it . I decide to wear my hair up in a bun like I always do when I work in the cafe. I realized customers hate it when red hair falls in their coffee so yeah bun it is.

                      After putting on light makeup as usual I move on to my next and worst problem known to every girl. What to wear. I have no idea  .

This is what I settle with simple and weather fitting

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This is what I settle with simple and weather fitting.
                 "Good morning my beautiful family how's it going"
I say cheerily
                 Three things happen in two seconds

My mom drops a plate of eggs
My dad breaks his coffee mug
My sister scream in terror
My dog Jordan barks
And the one that shocked me
The kitchen catches on fire

                    "Holy shit she's actually speaking to us on a morning!!!" My sister yells
                  My parents were still too shocked to yell at her for the language. I sign and pick up my phone and dial the fire number

           "Um hello ". 
" oh hello how's it going girl" an extremely cheery girl says
"Oh nothing really except I just said hi to my family this morning and the kitchen erupted in flames but yeah no big deal right" i say cheerily back
"Yup nothing out of the ordinary there" she says sarcastically
I laugh then tell her my address and hang up.

              Only then do my family realize the kitchen is on fire
"Oh my God the kitchen is on fire" my mom screams
            Boy she catches on slow
My dad jumps up "I'm gonna call the fire department" he yells.
           "I just did while you guys were looking at me like I suddenly sprouted too heads. "
                   I say a happy hello to my family and my dad loses his favourite mug cup,My mom broke her favourite plate, my sister practically destroyed my ear drums and my dumb dog which hasn't done anything for the past two weeks except sit down and chase flies because I think his girlfriend broke up with him actually BARKED!. I think I'm a miracle worker.

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