Chapter 1 - Just a normal day - or?

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 For the hundred time this day I went to the vegetable department to stock up the shelves. Apparently all customers want to buy bananas and cucumbers today. As I was heading to my department of today, the vegetables, I gladly greeted all customers on my way. Just like I do everyday. The vegetable department is longest away from the back of the store where we have our warehouse and dining room, so I greeted at least 15 + people shopping on my way there.

I work shifts at a grocery store a couple days a week to save up for university. It is a normal sized (yet pretty big) store with daily used food. We also sell some toys and clothes but no one really buys that.

We were short on staff today and since it was monday I was really stressed to get things done. I almost threw the bananas in the shelve because I wanted to stock up the rest I hadn't even laid my hand on yet. When I was done stocking up the bananas I was throwing the empty boxes in my cart and when I was about to head back to the warehouse with my empty banana boxes a customer knocked on my shoulder.

It was a boy, or man, about my age. Maybe a little bit older. I was tall, but man he was a full head taller than me. He was dressed in a gray coat, black jeans and sneakers. And he also wore a cap backwards.

''Hello, I came here to speak to the manager, can you please show me how to get to him?'' he said and smiled.

Oh, so this is the man my boss talked to me and my co-workers about this morning. I thought he was much older than this. 

I had never seen him before, and I noticed that his accent wasn't from here around ether.

''Oh, yes he told me that someone was coming to talk to him today. Follow me'' I said to him and smiled back.

I showed him to the back of the store and opened the locked door to the warehouse. My manager sat at his office, with the door open as always. I lead the boy to the door and knocked on the door frame. My manager, his name is Jones by the way, turned around and looked at us.

''There is someone here to talk to you'' I said to him.

''WELL HELLOOOO WELCOME'' he yelled and ran past me to greet the guy. Since no one of them paid attention to me anymore I went back out to the store to get my cart with the empty boxes on. 

When I came back into the warehouse Jones and the guy stood in the middle, still talking.

''Lara, this is Jonathan, he is joining our team. He is starting next week'' Jones told me, pointing at the guy.

I decided to greet him officially since he was my new co-worker. I threw the boxes in the trash and went over to them both and offered my hand for him to shake. 

''Lara, nice to meet you'' I smiled. He took my hand and shook it firmly. ''Jonathan Holmes, nice to meet you too'' he smickerd. He looked deep into my eyes. I had to cut the handshake off or else I would've started blushing.

I decided not to interrupt them further, so I turned around and went back into the store to go on with my day.

The day went on as usual. At our store we normally have people working three different shifts per day. 05.30 am-2 pm, 9am-5 pm or 14 pm - 9.20 pm. I had the 9-5 shift today. We are normally five people working the ''morning shift'', one working the ''day shift'' and two to three people working the '' evening shift''. 

At the end of the day all of my co-workers and I was gathered in the ''dining room'', talking about the day. We all know each other well because we are all from the same area and everyone is in the age 18 - 40 so we can talk about basically everything.

''Did everyone see the guy who was here today?'' my co-worker Nate asked us.

''Yes, he is actually a friend of mine. I told him we were hiring the other week and that he should apply for the job. He is very nice, fits perfect here among us'' my other co-worker Sean told us all.

''I talked to him for a bit, he moved here next door to me and he seemed nice'' Nate said.

I wasn't really interested in their conversation about Jonathan. The only thing that was in my mind was getting home and to have some food in my belly. 

''See you tomorrow guys'' I yelled as I sprinted away from our dining room out through the backdoor. I opened my car door and started my car, ready for my five minute drive home. 


SO this was the first chapter of this book. I know it is not that much action in this chapter but I figured I had to explain a lot now here in the beginning. Don't forget to vote :)

Much love, T <3

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