Chapter 2 - His first day

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I checked into work at 1.45 on Tuesday afternoon. I was greeted by my co-workers who was in the back of the store, talking, since they were done with their work for today and only had about fifteen minutes left of their shift.

I went to the ladies locker room and got changed for my shift. Everyone here wears the same type of outfits except our manager Jones. We have different uniforms of the same type and colors. I normally wear a semi-tight dark blue t-shirt with red stripes on the top, black ''cargo'' pants and my own black sneakers. Sometimes, if I have work in the yoghurt and milk department and have to be in the big refrigerator, I throw on a black fleece jacket. I also often wear my long hair in a half up half down hairstyle to get my long bangs out off my face. 

I threw my meal for the day in our dining room fridge when Jonathan came in. It had been a week since he was here and I met him for the first time and now it was his first day here. The other day when I was working Sean told me he worked at another supermarket for the same chain as this store before he moved here. That means he doesn't need any training or courses on how we stock our shelves or keep up with other work related stuff that has to get done each shift. That is good for everyone and also time saving for the store. 

''Hi Lara, nice to see you again'' Jonathan said.

''Hi, nice to see you too'' I answered.

''I saw it is only you and me here today, but who is watching the checkout?''

''Oh you see we always have someone watching the self checkout here, tonight's Kyles turn so he only stands at the checkout to make sure everything's okay there. He never really speaks that much to anyone so we will have to do everything in the store that has to be done today by ourselves'' I told him. 

''Oh okey, I actually worked at this same chain before this and we would always take turns watching the checkout, you don't do that here?''

''Ahaa okey, no we dont. Where are you from by the way?'' 

''South Greensfield, it's a small town south of New Coutville''

''Never been there, but I know where New Coutville is'' I said looking at my wristwatch. 2 pm and time to take on the day.

I was on my way out from our dining room and into the warehouse when Jonathan said

''And you? Are you from this area?'' 

''Yes, lived here all my life. Saving up for uni so I can study'' I told him.

''Cool''. Cool? Was that his only answer? He seemed to ask just to ask, not because he was interested. 

''Go change to your uniform, it's in the locker with your name on it. And come out to the warehouse when you are ready.'' I said to him, grabbing some boxes of flour from a cart.

''As you wish, missy'' 

After a couple of minutes he came in to the warehouse wearing the work uniform. He had decided to wear the same t-shirt as me, a black west and the same black cargo pants as me. His arms were muscular and ohboy he looked good in the uniform. Would stare at all day.

I was snapped out of my thoughts.

''You drool'' he laughed

''NO I do not'' I said fast, turning around so he couldn't see me blushing. 

''Here is our milk and yoghurt fridge'' I said. ''It is really cold in here so I would recommend a jacket, they are over there'' I said pointing at all fleece jackets. ''I was told you know what to do in here so I'll just leave you here and go out to the vegetable section. If there is something you want to ask you can just come ask me'' I explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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