7: Dates

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I walk downstairs to jump on a trampoline and Stefan walks down and joins me. I start to do backflips and cartwheels on the trampoline and Stefan just jumps up and down. "Hey guys" Gavin says rushing out the door "going to see Coco" Stean asks "yeah" Gavin says and walks outside and enters his moms car.


I wake up to see Hayley pacing around my hospital room. "Are you okay?" I ask her "Jullian just asked me out on a date, but I don't want to leave you here with no one to talk to" she says "go on your date I'll be fine. Gavin's coming later anyways" I reply "okay" she says and a few minutes later she leaves.


I arrive at Coco's hospital and take the elevator to her floor. I walk into her room and sit in a chair as Hayley packs her stuff up and waves goodbye. "I get to go home in 17 hours" Coco says. "How's your day been?" I ask her "my days been good. How's tour day been" She responds with a smile "My days been good, but it's better seeing that you're in a good mood" I say. "I'm just trying to stay positive" she says. She gets into her wheelchair and asks if we can go get some breakfast in the cafeteria. "Are you aloud to leave?" I ask "yeah they said it's fine" she replies. I push her wheelchair to the elevator and soon we arrive at the cafeteria. She reaches for yogurt and a bagel and I get the same thing. "Are you upset with Corinne?" I ask "no, why would I be?" She asks "she's the person who dropped the glass you got stuck in your leg" I say "I'm not mad at her for that, there's no reason for me to be mad at her. I should've been more careful when going to pick the glass up" she explains. "It's not your fault" I say "and it's also not Corinne's fault" she adds to my comment "I know, I just want to remind you that it's not your fault either" I say. We eat breakfast and then go to her room to watch movies.


"Hey Sawyer" I say while going to sit on one of the bean bags next to him. He's scrolling through Instagram and reading the comments. I look at his phone again and realize he's scrolling through my Instagram. "Oh I-" he starts when he realizes I was looking "it's cute" I say watching as he begins to blush "you're blushing" I say. I watch as Txunamy and Hayley rush ul and down the stairs multiple times moving Txunmay's stuff to Corinne and Coco's room. "What's going on?" Sophie asks while walking out of her bedroom with her computer and school work. "Coco needs to be in a wheel chair so she can't get up the stairs anymore" Hayley starts "so I'm moving to Corinne and Coco's room, and Coco is moving to mine and Hayley's room" Txunamy finishes. "Oh" Sophie says and then sits on the couch continuing her schoolwork.


I'm working on my school work on the couch when Jentzen walks up to me. "Can I talk to you?" He asks "sure" I say and Indi gives me a weird look. I return the look and then follow Jentzen to the movie room. "Will you go on a date with me?" he asks "like a real date. Is this a prank?" I say "no" he says "yes I will go on a date with you" I say. "Siker fans are gonna be crushed" Walker says sarcastically while walking out of the attached room with Piper. "Shut up" I reply laughing and we all walk out of the movie room. "What happened" Indi asked Piper and I "Sophie and Jentzen is going on a date" Piper says "Jophie date!" Indi shouts excitedly. "What?!?" Jenna and Symonne yell rushing down the stairs both and giving me hugs. "Is this a prank" Emily says "No" Jentzen says "this is not a prank. I repeat this is not a prank" She shouts and everyone rushes around excitedly. "Seriously?" I say "we've all been shipping y'all since the beginning" Symone says. I watch as Mariam rushes to the fridge and grabs a cake that says Jophie on it. "Coco had this premade 2 days ago. She knew y'all would go on a date soon" Mariam explains. "Piker's going on a date too!" Jentzen shouts and then everyone rushes over to them. "Nice save" I say and he just nods his head. "Piker! Piker!" We start chanting and then everyone starts chanting. "Hiw many cakes did Coco make?" I ask while watching Clementine grab a Piker cake.


It's now 3pm and I'm getting ready to go on my date with Walker. I put on a cropped sweater and some black jeans. I then apply some light makeup. "Can you help me with my makeup?" Sophie asks. I help her with her makeup and then we're both ready for our dates. Walker and I are going to the Santa Monica pier and Jophie is going to the movies. When we get to the santa Monica pier I take an picture for my Instagram story and post it. "Omg! can I get a picture with y'all?!?" A fan says excitedly "of course" Walker and I say and pose for a picture and a tik tok with her. "What's your tik tok?" I ask her  "seriously?!?" She asks excitedly "It's piperazzi edits 1" the fan says. When the fan leaves I follow her edit page and her main account which is mentioned in some of her edits. I send her a message telling her that I love her edits of the squad. We then go onto the first ride which is of course a roller coaster.

When we get to the movie theater we go to buy snacks. "I'm paying" she says "no you're not" I say "yes I am" She says "I'm the one who asked you out on the date" "but you played for the tickets" she finishes. When we order everything I quickly hand the person behind the table the money we need to pay for our food. Sophie rolls her eyes but has a slight smile afterwards. We grab all of our food and walk into the movie theater.


"Hey Mariam" Stefan says "hey Stefan" I reply. I turn on the TV and riverdale comes on. "Why do so many people like this show?" Stefan asks "it se ew ms boring at first, but when you give it a chance it's actually a good show" I say. He continues looking at the TV screen with me. "Guys!!" Sophie shouts as she enters the house with Jentzen, Piper, and Walker. "I thought y'all were on dates?" Stefan says "yeah forget about that" Piper says walking over to the couch excitedly. "Living room meeting!" Jentzen shouts "what is it?" Hayley says rushing out of her room obviously wishing it was Coco getting back from the hospital early. "We've been nominated for...." Walker and Jentzen start "a teen choice award!" Piper and Sophie yell. "Really!?!?" I say excitedly "yeah" Sophie says. We all have a group hug and decide to facetime Coco and Gavin.

                           That night

I wake up to hearing the door slam shut and people rushing down the stairs. I rush downstairs and watch as Gavin and Coco's mom push Coco into the living area. "Hay hay!" Coco shouts and I rush over to give her a hug. We all spend the next hour talking to her and catching up with everything that has happned.

Authors note: Finally updated!

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