20: Missing

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What do we do now? Three of our friends are missing. We call the police and our parents. "Guys, let's start calling our parents and tell them what's going on" I said. Corinne's mom was already calling some parents but we needed to call all of them. "I'm going to call the police" Hayden says "don't, this also could just be some sort of dumb prank" Corinne's mom says. We all nod our heads. But, if it got this far wouldn't they had just told us by now. What if they really aren't okay. Don't panic, don't panic. "Piper, take a seat, we all need to relax" Jenna says "relax!" Hayden shouts "my girlfriend is missing!" He adds. "Coco and Gavin are also gone" Sophie says "yeah, them too" Hayden says. "We cant think straight if we're panicked. Everyone take some deep breaths" Lev says. Easier said then done. Our friends could be in serious danger right now. "Okay, why not we go search the house" Jenna suggested. We all agreed and ran to look for them.


"Deep breaths" Jullian says and I nod my head. I walk into one of the bedrooms, nothing. Nobody was in the next one. Or the next one. Or any of the other rooms. This isn't a prank. They wouldn't do this. But at the same time, I'm waiting for Coco or Gavin to shout it's a prank. "Hay Hay" Jullian says "it will be okay, I promise" he adds "dont make promises that you dont know you can keep" I said.


"Hayden chill, take a deep breath" I said triying to keep Hayden calm. He was rushing up the stairs, throwing doors open, slamming them closed. "Hayden!" I shout and he stops and turns to me. "Take a deep breath, sit down, I think you need some water" I said. He didn't listen, he kept walking. Why does he always have to be so stubborn? "Hay" I said and I grabbed his arm. "I get it, You're stressed and probably really scared, but please go sit down. I'll keep looking" I said. Hayden stayed quiet for a second. "Please Hay" I said and he nods his head.


Sophie took calm deep breaths while walking through the house. She was walking laps around the house. Every lap she did she started getting a bit faster. She got to the point where she was running. Then she fell to the ground. She started crying. "Sophie" I say "I'm fine it just hurt" she said. That wasn't why she was crying, I could tell. "Sophie, we're going to find them, they will be okay" I said. She lays her head on my shoulder and just sits there. I knew she didn't beleive me, honestly I didn't even beleive myself.


"I think it's time we call the police" I say and Corinne's mom agrees. Coco's mom and sisters show up, followed by Gavin's mom and his brother Jake. "Hey" Jake says entering the house with a stressed look on his face. "Gavin is strong, he most likely knows what to do in a situationlike this" Mariam says to Jake and she offers a comforting smile. I could see that it helped for a second. Then the same stressed and nervous look on his face returned. "Okay, the police are on the way" Corinne's mom says and we all let out a little sigh of releif.



"Let us go Avi!" I shout "I'm going to pass on that one" be says and I roll my eyes. He was triying to be funny. Not a good look on him. He was never funny, no matter how hard he tried. "So, how's your day been?" Avi asks "not the best" Clem says with sass in her voice. "Look, all I need is for Coco to agree to go on a date with me" he says. I roll my eyes again. This kid can never take a hint. But if I go on this date with him, he will let my friends go. "And once we've gone on the date, you let them go?" I ask and Avi nods. "You dont have to do this Coco" Gavin says. But I do have to do this. "I'll give you some time to think about it" Avi says and he leaves.


No way am I letting her go on a date with Avi. He's a psycho. And the fact that he kidnapped us just proves my point even more. "I'm going to go on a date with him" she says "nope, not happening, our friends will find us soon" Clementine says and I nod my head. "But what if they don't?" Coco asks "they will" I say. "They will" I say quietly and reassuringly to myself. I have faith in them, they wont give up until they find us.


What if we cant save them. Yes, we have the cops, we have our parents, we have all of us. But we dont know how many people they have. Who is it? Is it someone our age or is it an adult? Why did the person kidnap them? Why is any of this happening?


What are you supposed to do, when you're best friends are kidnapped? Honestly, I dont know the answer to that question. All I know is that everyone is freaking out. We have to wait for the police to get here before we can start the whole investigation. We all just sit impatiently. We've checked the whole house. Three times. Not once have we seen anything giving a hint towards where they are, or who took them. Who would do such a thing?


So I've spent what feels like an hour sitting here. In this freezing cold room. Coco and Gavin both sit their quietly. Nobody has talked for atleast half an hour. We all just stare. Why would Avi do something like this? Oh wait I know the answer to that, he's a complete phsyco. "They're going to find us" Gavin says. He's said it like 20 times. It's as if not even he beleives it.


There was a knock on the door. Coco's mom opens the door and the police officers walk in. "Let's begin the investigation".

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