Well, This is just Fantastic

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I had been going to throw a coin into a well. I didn't expect it to work, but I did it anyway. Despite the balance that I thought was almost perfect, I suddenly tripped. The coin I had fallen out of my hand and into the well. Apparently, I went with it because the next thing I know, I'm underwater. Swimming to the surface, I looked around. Instead of the stone walls that would've surrounded me, I was facing a beautiful forest afar. Animals stood at its edge, eating grass and leaves and such.
I turned to my left. Snowy peaks with flowering trees on them. I started swimming to the nearest shore. When I got there, the animals didn't run, as I expected them too. Instead, they stood, watching me. There was a sudden female voice behind me and I turned. Standing there was a maiden of about twenty-five, her hair a shimmering gold in the sunlight. She had eyes as orange as fire and horns much like a demon's atop her head.
"Excuse me, Ma'am," her voice was elegant and seemed rarely used. Did she live alone out here? "Are you alright? You're soaked."
Looking down at myself, I saw my soaked jeans and t-shirt, though my sweatshirt appeared to be missing. Looking back at the water, I saw it floating away and silently cursed myself. It might not have been cold, but it was still my favorite sweatshirt. The woman spoke again.
"Are you alright?"
I looked back at her and, despite being a woman myself, my voice seemed a lot rougher compared to hers.
"Ya, I'm alright. Just a bit wet. Where am I?"
"You are in the lands of Arentha," she picked up the sides of her scarlet dress, a simple thing really, and curtsied. "I'm Agnimitra."
"That name suits you a lot."
"Why thank you! So what's your name and where are you from?"
"I'm... Skylar," quite a plain name. "And I don't think you'd know where I'm from."
"Well then, Skylar, let's get you some dry clothes. That's such a nice name."
I smiled a bit and nodded, "That sounds like a good idea."
Agnimitra lead me into the forest. It looked like a maze from my view and I didn't know how I'd ever figure out how to navigate it. We soon came upon a small cottage and she opened the door, allowing me inside. Thanking her, I did so and she was close behind me.
"Oh, you can just sit there," she waved at a table and chairs. "What's your favorite color?"
"Blue," I sat down, looking around at the small cottage.
There was a stove and sink next to each other in the corner. The table was in the center. A bookshelf sat next to a window on the other side, holding all sorts of books with covers I couldn't read. There were two doors other than the one in, assembly leading to a bedroom and bathroom. She came out of one of them holding a dress that faded from ocean blue at the top to sky blue at the bottom.
"You seem very foreign. Your language is much rarer compared to others. I'm glad I can even speak it too."
"What do you mean?"
"Everyone else speaks in the common tongue, but you are speaking in a much rarer one. You're speaking in Quetathian, a language from a continent across three oceans. Not many people move back and forth. So how did you get here?"
"I... don't know how I got here, honestly. All I remember is appearing in the water out there. Do you think anyone else will be able to understand me?"
Agnimitra shook her head, "Not many from here will, but I can translate for you. Anyway, take this and you can change there."
She pointed to the other door. I nodded, took the dress and went inside what was apparently a bathroom. They hadn't developed plumbing here. Well, digging holes existed. I closed the door and, when I came out again, now wearing the dress, Agnimitra was making food. I had never seen or tasted it before but, from my standpoint, it smelled delicious. She looked at me and smiled as I sat back down.
"So, Skylar, are you hungry?"
I nodded and she set a plate of the food down in front of me. I took a bite and it was already one of the most delicious things I've tasted. This world might've been new, but I already loved it. Maybe, one day, I'd get to meet the others that spoke my language. That sounded nice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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