Part 15

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Rudy was walking talking to a girl. Someone taps his shoulder. Rudy turns and looks wide eye seeing Shivay.

Ru:(you are dead Rudy. )

Rudy smiles nervous. Shivay stands without any expression folding hands on chest.

Ru:hi Shivay,how are you. How was the trip? Waah I heard you won the overall cup.

Rudy pats his shoulder : proud of you man I

Shivay looks at his shoulders and him. Rudy gulps and takes his hand back.

Ru: (he is red in anger. how to handle. Run Rudy) bye Shivay

Rudy smiles and turns and walks sighing.

Shi: shall we go to garden?

Rudy stops wide eye and looks back at him nervous.

Ru: Gar Garden ?why

Shi: I prefer open space

Rudy gulps: (is he going to beat me, oh my mata)

The bell rings. Rudy sighs and smiles at Shivay.Shivay looks around nervous

Ru: bell?

Shi: huh?

Ru: bell rang

Shi:you also heard?

Shivay sighs.

Ru: haan,Class will start now na. You.go, I am always here, but class is important. A studious boy like you shouldn't miss it. Go go. We will meet later.

Rudy turns.

Shi: first hour is free for me

Rudy close his eyes whining and looks at Shivay.

Shi: shall we go?

Ru: Shivay vo actually

Shi: let's talk after going there

Rudy nods.

Shi: after you

Rudy walks in front and Shivay follows him.

Om follows Gauri and reach the class. Gauri was reading a book. Om looks at her and stand beside her. Gauri frowns and looks at him.

G: what happened

Om nods no.

O: (but she behaves so indifferent, bracelet is same, that feel too. But)

Gauri looks at him and sighs.

G: is some film going on in my face, kab se you are staring

O:vo mein

G: what are you doing here? Its not your class, today there is no second language, go

O: haan I need to

Gauri frowns.

G: what you need?

O: vo yesterday(not now Om)

Gauri rolls her eyes and gets up.Om moves back.

O: where

Gauri walks. Om follows.

G: (why is he behind me from morning? Did something happen? Ignore Gauri)

Gauri reaches library. Om too. Gauri sits there. Om sighs and sit beside her.

G: what's the problem

O: I I need your help

G: help? What help

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