Part 20

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Rudy walks to canteen and see Bhavya coming. Rudy waves hands and goes to her.

Ru:Where were you. Didn't see you in the morning

B: did you miss me?

Bhavya smirks.Rudy sighs.

Ru: What you like to hear is my reply

B: means?

Ru: if I say yes you will say liar, if I say no you will say I know it, badtameez ladka and go in anger, so your wish

Bhavya shook her head. They both walk.Rudy excited.

Ru: but you missed something. Something interesting


Ru: yeahh, guess what

B: did any new girl joined the college

Rudy frowns: what

B: what's more interesting than that for you?

Ru: wrong guess.

B: then

Ru: It's better I say. Our college is going to do a drama for charity event

Bhavya surprised:,drama

Ru: yeahhh everything by students. Direction, script, acting

B: wow great

Ru: I know, by the by where were you

B: I went to bank. There was some work there

Ru: ohhh didn't Shivay come

B: It's my account, what will bhai do coming there, you know na he doesn't like to miss classes

Ru: I know that, but I didn't know your bhai find Ragini sane

Bhavya frowns: what

Ru: yeah that was the fighting topic between Shivay and Anika today

Bhavya shook her head.

Ru: I thought Anika will be your babhi, but new character Ragini. How confusing yaar

Bhavya wide eye: come again.Anika di ,,my babhi?

Rudy shrugs his shoulders.

B:,never gonna happen

Ru: why

B: she can never adjust in my family

Ru: why is it so

B: you dont know my papa and mom na,

Ru: I can predict that parents of two weird children will be weird but you say how weird they are

B: haan vo (realising glares) you call me weird?

Ru: I told your parents are weird

Bhavya's mouth goes O.

B:,badtameez ladka, how dare you call my parents weird

Ru:,arre I was

B: you are hopeless, there is no use talking to you

Ru: listen I was saying

Bhavya goes. Rudy sighs.

Ru: arre yaar, I wanted to say afternoon there is meeting. She went in anger.

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