Powers and Explanations

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After Seiya was separated from his sister by the golden man he was put in an orphanage all the way in Japan. If was as if Fate put him their as his destiny was yet to come. 

Seiya was currently skateboarding along the side walk in Tokyo when a noise caught his attention. Curiosity peeking his interest he went and investigated. Coming up to an ally he saw a group of thugs beating a guy for money. Seiya wasn't strong enough to not be separated from his sister, he'd be dammed if if he let this stranger be separated from his family if he has any. 

"Hey let him go" Seiya said walking towards the group. "Well looky looky.  If it isn't Jeff's knight in shining armor. Come to protect him" thug 1 said. Seiya got in a defensive position. Thug 1 threw the first punch to which he dodged only to land in the arms of thug 2. He punched Seiya to the ground followed by the other guys, each taking a turn at beating him up. Seiya wasn't going to let out and with new found strength he got up. 

His fist was glowing a faint blue much like his sister years prior. With a swift punch a bunch of blue orbs came hurdling at the group with thug 3 pulling out his phone and recording it. "Let's get out of here" thug 3 said afraid, he was followed by the 2 others. "Are you ok" Seiya asked the man. His response was the man swatting his hand away and running away. 

"What happened?" Seiya wondered looking at his hands. 


Seiya's skateboarded back to the orphanage just in time for dinner. "Did you see what he did" Seiya heard as he was walking to his room. He stopped to hear the conversation. "Yeah,didn't Seiya was like that" followed by "To think we live with a freak like that". Seiya didn't hear what the rest of the conversation was too engrossed into what happened earlier in the day. 

"Maybe there're right, maybe I am a freak" Seiya said to himself slowly drifting off to sleep until his eyes falling closed. He was so sound asleep that he didn't hear or see a group of men come in his room and taken him out of the orphanage. 


Seiya woke up in a large office tied to a chair. He struggled to remember how he got there when he noticed an elderly man and girl who looked no older than 15. She had green eyes and lavender hair. "I am so terribly sorry for kidnapping you young man" the man said coming over to Seiya and untying his binds. "Who do are you, don't bother I'm outta here" Seiya said running to the other side of the room "if I can just find an exit. Boy you people take your security very seriously". 

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Alman Kido and this" he said gesturing to the girl beside him is my granddaughter Sienna Kido".  

"I so don't care. Come on if your're gonna kidnap me the least you can do is tell me why?" Seiya asked wondering what an elderly man and his granddaughter would want with a freak like him. "Is this you" Alman said projecting a picture of Seiya when he beat up the thugs. Seiya gasped. "You don't know how you did that do you?" he said "there's nothing wrong with that. Allow me to explain". 

Alman brought up another picture, only it was blurry. Seiya could barely make out the man in white and gold armor, he had blond hair and what looked like wings except he wasn't sure. Alman continued bringing up more and more pictures "through out history there had been warriors, men and women with power unlike anything ever known to us. Warriors called Saints. Most people believe that people with powers are urban legend, hoaxes, but you know as well as I do that it's not true" he said pointing to a picture of a familiar man. 

"That's the guy who took my sister" Seiya said in shock. "If you want to understand how you and your sister got caught up in this we need to start at the beginning" Alman said bringing up an image of a man with one eye wearing an army uniform. His other eye was completely white as if he is blind. 

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