CH 35// path

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Confed and Germany would be lying if they said they had a good night rest. Poland tried to help them get comfortable but it was harder then you think. At some point they woke up in the morning, Russia woke up first seeing every one else asleep. He stood up and woke America up. America woke up and rubbed his eyes. He had for got about the contacts, and Confed did too.

America said he'd be right back and walked away from the group, he took the contacts out and put his glasses on, he was lucky they didn't break when he fell. America wasn't sure what to do for Confed, it was hard enough to stop Confed from taking them out and now he kinda had to. America walked back to the group to see everyone awake, He walked up to Confed and told him to follow him, "America im taking them out" Confed said as he took the contacts out. "well what if the others see you?" "then they can deal with it" "please just put them back in" "well what about you?" "I have my glasses, and i don't have a spear." 

Confed sighed not feeling like arguing.  He put them back in and walked back to the group. "Poland how's your wing?" America asked. "i don't think i can fly, It hurts when i move it" Germany looked at her concerned. "what about Confede-Kon  and Germany-san?" Japan said looking at them. Confed and Germany looked uncomfortable both knowing the have no idea how to fly. "we don't know how to fly" Germany said. "i can try and teach you guys!" Poland said with a smile. "well other problem we have is trying to explain this if we even get back to camp." Russia said pointing at their wings.

"what would take longer? teaching them how to fly or walking?" Mexico asked. Poland thought for a moment then giving a shrug. "I'm not sure, but it's worth a try" she said hopefully. "I guess if i'm gonna have these stuck on my back now i should learn how to use them" Confed said as he shrugged. America sat down on the forest floor guessing this might take awhile. "Ok first open your wings." Poland said. Confed and Germany did as they tried to figure out how to move them. Poland open her wing that wasn't hurt and flapped in back and forth.

The two boys did the same making dust and dirt fly up. "no not like that!" Poland said and pointed to her wing showing them how to do it. Confed sighed and started doing it the way Poland was showing them. America stood up and walked over to Russia, "how long do you think this will take?" "im not sure but maybe we should just start walking." Russia suggested. "maybe we should." Poland said realizing this my take longer then she thought,  "I 100% agree with that idea." Confed said letting his wings close. 

They all started walking again hoping they find their way back before it got dark again. Confed was still complaining about the new weight on his back but Japan whispered something to him that made him shut up. Mexico was basically leading them through the woods, after awhile the trees started to clear out and they saw what looked like a path. "Hey guys! look a path!" Mexico yelled as he Ran to it,  the other countries followed him seeing the path. "finally" Confed said. they were walking down the path when Japans ears picked up. She stopped walking and looked around. 

Confed got an uneasy feeling and he looked around. The others stopped and looked at Japan and him. "whats wrong?" Poland asked. "I thought i heard something.." Japan said as she looked in the are she heard the noise. "I heard it to.." Confed said as he looked the same way Japan was. The other go an uncomfortable thing something could be out here with them. Suddenly Japan went on high alert, "something's hunting us.." She said. "how do you know?" Germany asked.

 "It's like an animal sense" Japan said as she backed up. "somethings over there  and i don't know what it is.." "if we are being hunted... what do we do?" Poland asked hiding behind Germany. " We need a weapon like a stick and we need to hold our ground" Confed said picking up a sharp stick. The others picked up sticks and stood straight up. They heard leaves being stepped on in the area Japan had been looking, it sounded like it was getting closer. suddenly it went quiet. Japan's pupils dilated and she could smell something there, They suddenly heard something running away from them. Japans ears picked up and she relaxed, the other countries let out a breath in relief.   

"what if what ever that is comes back?" Mexico said. "lets take the sticks just in case" Confed told him. "how do you know so much about the out doors?" Germany asked. "what do you mean?" " I mean, you know how to make a fire and defend you self. And you most likely know more." Confed shrugged his shoulders. They started walking again down the path, the had been walking for about 20 minutes they heard leaves being crushed behind them. Confed turned around holding his stick up. The others turned around to see a mountain lion running at them. Confed blocked it's path form the others holding his stick high, He knew he needed to appear bigger to scare it away.

He opened his wing as wide as he could causing the mountain lion to stop running. It growled and hissed, Confed took a daring step to the lion, making in take a step back. Honestly Confed didn't know what he was doing, The lion growled stepping closer to him, Confed didn't move but had his stick ready if it attacked, The lion quickly turned around and ran away from them. Confed closed his wings looking like he was about to faint. 

"Confed.. you just saved us!" Russia said, Confed was surprised at his own actions. "c-can we just go.." He said slightly shaking. They started walking again and they all keep looking around so nothing could sneak up on them. after walking they saw the camp in front of them, They all ran to it. Africa saw them and ran to them. "where have you been?!"  she said as he checked them if they where hurt. "we'll explain but, there's a mountain lion that attacked us!" Poland explained to her. She checked that they only had a few cuts.   

And decided to take them back to the cabin. As she walked them she noticed Germanys and Confeds wings. "wait.. you two didn't have wings before.." she said, "it's a long story" Japan told her. They walked to the bathroom and she grabbed a mid kit, She cleaned the cuts they had and put a bandages on Ameircas head. They gave them something to eat as she asked them what happened. They explained and told her about the cliff the flowers the lion, and all that happened. After they were done talking Africa said they were ok to go back to the cabin.

Mexico and Poland walked in and Countries started asking them all kinds of questions. They tried to explain to them what had happened, Japan walked in and hugged south Korea who had been worrying about her, America and Russia came in and countries started asking them questions. Last Germany and Confed walked in getting a lot of looks. they all started asking them how the got wings and the same questions they asked the others. "It was a damn flower!" Confed yelled to the people who wouldn't stop asking him the same question over and over.

The others questioned him but decided to try and look it up. Confed sighed and sat down on his bed that he shared with Mexico. Germany and Poland were trying to explain what all had happened. America was asleep on his bed, Mexico was telling them how Confed had saved them from the lion. Japan was writing stuff down in her book and showing south it. This was something America should probably never tell Canada, 

Mexico walked back over to his bed and sat down. Confed had rapped himself in his wings like a burrito, "You look like a burrito" Mexico said poking him, Japan looked up from her book, "A burrito you'd eat?" She said with a smug look. The countries in the room laughed and looked at them. Confed poked his head out of his wings and glared at her. It was getting late and tomorrow they would go home. Poland said to keep their wings closed and close so it would be more comfortable, She also said messing with the feathers could relax someone to sleep.

 Confed took a pair of glasses America had in his bag on but them on, he went to the bathroom and took the annoying contacts out. He put the glasses on making sure they covered his eyes,  he walked back and got in his bed to sleep. The other countries went to their bed and went to sleep, Russia laid down and pulled the covers up over him and America. 


mmmmm so im enjoying writing again and that means faster and longer chapters for you guys :D also Germany has black wings becuz a lot of you voted on it.


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