Chapter 1

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  Uh oh....I'm not in my house

Okay let me recite on what happened....

  I was lying on bed and just reading a book. It was nice and quiet, because I had my ring on that canceled my telepathy. I must of dozed out since all I remember is me slowly closing my eyes. But now that I've opened them I was standing in a fairly busy street. It was sunny and I heard many people talking. I look around- what!? These people! They're in a different style, it's not that different but it's still odd. I notice, many people look like mutants. Oops, I hope that wasn't offensive. But they look odd and some were even using esp. Where am I!?

   Wait-that wasn't the only problem. I don't have my powers anymore! Oh, wait never mind I forgot I had my ring on. I slipped it off and as expected my head was filled by the thoughts of the people around me. But wait...why, do I here so many and why foreign ones? Good grief. I just realized when I dozed I must have teleported and I seemed to have damaged my pin. I must have teleported to another universe. Hopefully I didn't cause anything harmful back at home. I was home alone so even if I accidentally exploded my house my parents shouldn't have been hurt.

    Although I damaged my pin I should still keep it on since it still seems to work. It's just wonky. I adjust my pin on my head, it seems less wonky but it's still to dangerous to test my powers. Maybe I should teleport somewhere deserted. I could test my powers there. I realized I've been walking to avoid suspicion. I stop and try to teleport. Right. It's going to take time for me to feel better. I look around again and then I hear screams. I quickly turn my head toward the screams. I see a weird mutant causing a racket. Good grief. Then I see a large woman appear out of nowhere. People started cheering. Sigh. This isn't normal, I don't want to stand out, so I shouldn't be here. I walk away from the fight and start thinking about what I should do next.

   I know I have great powers but I never knew I could travel universes. I honestly didn't believe other universes with life like humans existed. Hopefully Kuske finds a way to get me back. Would he do that? For me? Nah, probably not. I look down at my hands. Oh, my art style has changed a little as well, it's hardly noticeable. I see a park and there seemed to be kids playing with their powers. What are they doing, are they not scared of being taken away and tested?

"Hey, sir." One of the boy's yelled out. What. "We're playing heroes and villains. Be our villain so we can be heroes!" No. "Aww what!?" They whined. "Why is your quirk boorring?" They mocked. "Yeeaah-what's your quirk?" What? "Your quirk." What's that. "What do you mean? Your powers dummy." Hey. I don't know, so leave me alone. "What! You don't have a quirk! That's boring, you're just a lame person." Hey that's not nice. "Lamey! Lamey! Lamey!" I hear the kids on the playground chant. I just walk away, I am not going to be known as the weird man that attacked a group of boys on a playground. But wait why did the kid expect me to have powers-or quirk- is it normal to have powers here? Does that mean there could be people more stronger than me? Well, that's not important-I could be normal like everybody else. I don't have to hide my powers. Or even better I can hide my powers and bring absolutely no attention to me! I had a weird smile on my face. Yes, this could be nice.

-Wait I don't have any money.

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