Chapter 6

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Saiki was standing outside standing in front of the test "station". He quickly used telepathy to hear what the others are planning. "I think I should move in front, I'm going to shoot all the robots I see!" it's like a timed racey thingy where you attack the robots, do you just hit you just "I'm going to to explode all of them!"...okay that answered his question. In the many thoughts of students he heard a very annoying one. He looked back to see what nudnik was panicking so much. It was a short scrawny green haired boy. He looked like he was about to pass out. Saiki glared at him.

    If he is so stressed he probably isn't worthy to be a hero. He should just go home if he is so anxious no need to distract me with his paragraphs of panic. He turned his head as the boy's thought quiet downed because a girl and a boy. But his glare didn't go into unnoticed. "Huh? Was that boy just glaring at me, did I do something wrong. Why does everybody hate me here!?" Saiki couldn't help but feel the tinniest amount of pity toward that boy. Since everyone was being rude to him, not even bothering to hide. He remembered when he was insulted by someone, he wasn't hurt since he didn't really care but it did sting a little.

Saiki tuned out the thoughts of the people around him and thought of coffee jelly. But that was cut off when the really loud voice came from the speakers. "GET MOVING!" Wait's starting. Yup, yes the test has started he ran with the crowd trying to stay in the middle. As he was running he heard the green haired boy whine as he tried to catch up. Many people have already started attacking most of the robots, he'll be lucky if he manages to hit one. He used his telekinesis to grab many robots and drop them,like the girl who talked to the green boy. Sigh, he should learn their names. He looked around at the other students who were attacking the robots. "Good grief." Saiki sighed. What should I do I really don't like attention but I need to find a way to make sure I am accepted. He had only gotten 15 which was actually quite low, there were to many children and he felt using all his powers would bring more bad then good. He was cut off by a high pitch shriek.

     Well there were multiple screams and shrieks but this one was so high it caught my attention. I turn to look at the kid who screamed, it was a girl and she was on the floor. She looked like she was about the pass out. I look around to see what the others are going to do but they all left screaming. Cowards. How do they expect to be hero's when they won't even save one girl. "OH NO!" I shot my head where the scream came from it was green boy, is he going to save his friend? Before the boy did anything I had an astral projection, I saw the boy falling with most of his bones broken and skin bruised, then a huge explosion, and a vomiting girl. Oh no.

     He was not ready to let that happen, if it happens it might shut the school down and he won't get any free coffee jelly!

     He quickly shot a "gust of wind" at the boy and made him fall backwards. He looked at the huge robot as it got closer to the the girl. He looked to his right and saw another robot a, 3 pointer possibly. Ehhh...He still had time. He teleported behind it and punched it. He hadn't realized since his clip wasn't completely fixed, being reckless with hip powers damaged it a little more again. When he hit it it went flying toward the 0-pointer, at the speed of light, and exploded it. All the teachers who were watching all stopped breathing as they watch this child absolutely destroy the massive robot....uh oh.

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