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Next morning...

Her alarm clock started off.

"Shut up betch."She murmured to the clock.It didnt listen.She got up and picked it up and threw to the floor.It didnt break.Victoria sighed."OH DEAR GOD.WHY IS THIS CLOCK ACTING LIKE THIS"Victoria picked it up and put it in its place.

You might think she has OCD,but she doesnt.She just likes to keep things neat.

So yesterday,after hours of fumes of angers,she finally finished her packing.She only brought one luggage since she is going to buy rest of her clothes there in Korea.


Okay.So,today is the day.The day which Victoria will board the plane.She feels so happy.She is at the lobby if her apartment.Luke and the others are gonna pick her up and send her to the airport.

Finally,Luke arrived.He looked sad.Yet happy.Sad because she is leaving,and happy because she is going to achieve her dreams.

"Hi...."Luke pulled her into a hug.
"Im going to miss you."Victoria hugged him thighter.

(Author:OH MA GOD.THIS IS SO CUTE~syaza.dont judge ok)

Luke felt Victoria's cheeks turn hot."im going to miss you too"He replied softly.He looked at her face,it was red."HAHHA!!tomato face!!"Ashton blurted.Michael slapped him.

Finally 2 minutes passed and Calum was so sick looking at them.He pulled them apart.


Victoria was blushing like mad."AAGAHAHAGAGAG!!Stop this shite ok!!were gonna be late if you DONT STOP staring at each other."Calum broke the happy scene.

"Calum is right,Luke.Carry my bags and lets go!!"Victoria pulled Ashton and Michael in the car.

Soon they started driving.

20 minutes later they arrived the air terminal.

"OKKKK!!we are here chickuns!!Ashton and Michael now you guys carry HER bag and lets go."Luke ordered.Michael and Ashton nodded and quickly took her luggage out.

After that,they checked in and and hour later it was time for Victoria to board the plane.

"I guess i will be going now.Bye guys.Bye Luke."Victoria hugged them.Lastly,she hugged Luke.
"Im going to miss you.I promise i will text you whenever im free..."Victoria hugged him.Luke put a finger on her lips."No.I love you.Its okay.I just want you to know i love you to the moon and back.If any asian dudes hit on you just tell me okay?"Luke told her."Yes.I love you too Lukey penguin and dont forget me.ever.promise me okay?"Victoria told him."i promise <3"he replied."Okay?"She asked him."Okay"he answered.

She lightly pecked him on the cheek."See you later Luke<3" She pulled her luggage with her.

She entered the aeroplane and suddenly her phone began beeping.It was a message from Luke.

L:ily okay.promise to never forget me.ever.
V:i promise.if i meet any cute asian guys i will tell you~
L:lol no.its ok.<3

Suddenly,the captain began speaking.A warm welcome and finally he reminded us to put on our seatbelts and shite,and to off any electronics.

"Holy shite"Victoria quickly sent her message with a goodbye.

She quickly put her phone on airplane mode and off the power

The plane started moving very fast.

Now they were up in the sky.

"Wheee~"Victoria thought.

She noticed a very pretty girl sitting next to her.She was a korean.Since Victoria was fluent in Korean she introduced herself.

"Anyeonghasaeyo.Im Victoria"Victoria greeted her.
"Oh anyeong."They shook hands.
"Your name..?"Victoria asked.
"Oh,Im Grace Kwon."She replied.

Soon they started chatting like buddies and Victoria was asking Grace how her holiday us Sydney was.

Later on,Victoria was worn out and she fell asleep.

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