Commands and charts

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Normal Commands

/Hunt with
Sends at least 3-4 cats hunting

/Hunt solo
Sends only your cat hunting

/Patrol with
Sends a patrol of 3-4 cats. This adds to the border strength by .5

/Forage with
Sends a group of medicine cats foraging

/Forage solo
Sends only your cat foraging

/Play with
Most commonly used by kits, this allows you to play with anyone

/Attempt to impress
Try to impress your crush or your parental figure c:

/Exorcise kit
If your child seems to be possessed than use this command. Commonly used on Tundrakit.

/Bond with
Bond with your special someone c:

/Breed with
Breed with your special someone. If your both the same gender ask someone of the opposite gender to help you guys!

Hunting Chart
Level 0, catches no prey.
Level 1-3, catches up to two prey
Level 4, catches up to three prey
Level 5, catches up to four prey
Level 6, catches up to six prey

Foraging Chart
Level 0, no herbs
Level 1-3, Up to five herbs :O
Level 4-5, six herbs
Level 6, ten herbs

Bonding Chart
Bond once, .5
Bond twice, 1
Bond three times, 1.5
Bond four times, 2
Bond five times, 2.5
Bond six times, 3
Bond seven times, 3.5
Bond eight times, 4
Bond nine times, 4.5
Bond ten times, 5
Or you can do Bond x2 to skip the .5

Special Commands

Use this command when your to weak to defend.

/Defend clan
Defend the clan from intruders

Evacuated the clan Incase of an emergency

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