[01] "BB8 told me..." - Song Based

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This is my fist Shipping Oneshot which I wrote and also the first one basing on a Song, which I found while looking a fan made video.
Song: I hate you, I love you - gnash
Words: (without Intro/outro) 5563 words


Feeling used but I'm still missing you
And I can't see the end of this
Just wanna feel your kiss against my lips

Across the hangar, there he stands. Talking with some of the other pilots of the resistance. Again, I caught myself starring at him, while BB8 tries to remind me, that I forget to check the adjustments I just made. This was the third time today, I starred at my Crush and I hope nobody noticed. Yeah, he is just my crush. Some of my colleagues asked me if we were already dating, but no. We dont. So many times, I tried to make out what he was thinking, if he liked me the way I like him of if he likes someone else. His face is a mystery for me and still, I want it in my hands, his lips on mine. A second time, BB8 gets me out of my thoughts with loud noises and reminds me, that its already time to eat lunch. Thanks, Buddy! , I muttered, shortly before leaving my work for the little break.

And now all this time is passing by
But I still can't seem to tell you why
It hurts me every time I see you
Realize how much I need you

I was on my way to the canteen, when I saw him again. His perfect face in the crowd. Even when I try to ignore him, I still see him through the people like a hunter its prey. Normally, I sit with my colleagues, but after the last battle, many of them are dead so the rest of us looks for new groups to join up with. I didnt even have the chance to look somewhere for my pilots. Rey waves at me enthusiastic and smiling over both ears, next to her my love, Finn. My face went a little bit red as I walked by the other resistance fighters and sat down. My plan was to sit as far as I could get from my friends, to save them from my emotions, but Rey disagrees. She puts, using the force, my food right between her and Finn. I try to smile happy but somehow, I got sad. Sad that even this little gesture of friendship wont fill the hole in me. The hole created by Finn being interested in other people, kissing them - yeah, he told us.

I hate you; I love you
I hate that I love you
Don't want to but I can't put
Nobody else above you

The first thing Rey did after I sat down, was hugging me shortly. After that she started talking about all the new jedi tricks she learned in the forests and how much fun she had with the adventures on her own. While Finn was interacting with her, I just sat there and ate slowly or better didnt ate my food. It tasted awesome but somehow, I couldnt enjoy it. Just a few minutes after I sat down, I wanted to bring my food in the trash. Reys mood went from happy and laughing to worried and sad. Got a headache , was my answer before I left. I kind of regretted the harsh and annoyed voice I used for it, but there was no going back now. The pain, to be right next to him but cant have him was too big. I thought about how to love someone else to get away from Finn, but there was, after many trying, no other man, who I could love more than my one and only.

I hate you; I love you
I hate that I want you
You want her, you need her
And I'll never be her

As I was about to go back to BB8, I remember that it was still lunch time and I didnt even waste five minutes. I didnt want to be surrounded by people right now, so I walked back to work. Like I thought, there was no one right now. Finally, Im alone with my thoughts. I know about Finn and Rose and this morning Rose told me everything that happened. We accidentally met outside of the base and walked together through the forest, talking about updates and exchanged stories. When we came to the topic Finn, she told me that they had something and that she probably lost him to Rey. In my eyes it totally did fit. They hang out in all the free time we get and when Rey does train in the woods he stays mostly alone, except for BB8, who is visiting him sometimes. Now I dont have any chance anymore. There is just the awesome and famous Rey, the Jedi, or me, a pilot. Who he did choose was clear already.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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