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I wasn't supernaturally inclined to know when vampires were around, but I knew anyway. I was empathic and that meant that I could feel what others felt, I felt what was going on around me. And right now, as I was on top of the Heffler where I volunteered for a crisis hotline, I knew there were eight nearby. I'd been the unfortunate one to answer the call and now I stood there, teetering on the edge with a 'jumper' before me. I was keenly aware of the two vamps behind me and the six on the ground. Vampires didn't usually care about death. I had no idea why they were there, but it didn't matter at that moment.

"Okay...okay." I took a deep breath and tried to inch forward.

The jumper was a frail looking girl with inflamed cheeks. Her red curls whisked around her from the wind, which didn't help our situation at all. She turned, saw me, and her eyes widened. She was the deer in my headlights, but I hoped that I wasn't the oncoming car to push her over the edge.

"Hi—hello—how are you? No—I mean..." I should have stopped then, but I was the only one from the hotline there. I'd been the last to leave and because of that, I was the only one that heard the phone, answered the phone, and figured out where the girl had called from.

I took another breath, and then said more calmly, "My name's Davina, but you can call me Davy—if you want." A part of me waited for the normal 'Stay away from me or I'll jump!', but it didn't come.

She didn't say a thing. I saw the tears and that's what made me pause. She'd been hysterical on the phone. I'd heard the words 'a guy', 'kill myself', and 'love.' My mind leapt to the natural clichéd conclusion. I thought she was going to kill herself over a guy and a part of me felt a little contempt for her. I know, I know — she's suicidal. I should be sympathetic, but... really—a guy?!

That had been my first reaction, but now I thought differently. This girl wasn't the suicidal virgin with a love gone reality. I looked into her hazel eyes and saw true agony in this girl. It was real and it blew my breath away for a moment. That was saying a lot.

"Okay." I needed to settle myself. I needed to plant both feet on the ground and I needed—I looked at her again. The pain was crippling. I could feel it. There was a sense of contentment and resolve in her too. This girl was done. What she was done with, I had no idea, but I felt it. She'd fought a battle, she'd lost, and she was done with it all.

For a moment, I stood in awe of her. I'd had my fair share of trauma and struggle, but I still had hope. This girl had none.

I closed my eyes and opened every sense I had. Every empath I knew would scream against this, but I needed to know what this girl had gone through. Something told me that I needed to know. I lowered my bridge, and I felt myself slip inside of her.

Turmoil. Desolation. Agony.

Worst of all, I felt the surrender. It slammed against me like waves of sleet in a downpour. It actually hurt and I bit my tongue. I wanted to feel more. I wanted to understand so I pushed further. Empaths are advised against this for a reason. If we touch too deep inside a person sometimes a part of us doesn't come back.

There was something inside of her, something that promised me that it'd be worth it. It was like... I needed to uncover it. Surging forward, I fought past the hopelessness and defeat. Then I reeled back when I touched the core.

There had been a guy. He had loved her. She had loved him... and then... I felt devastation, betrayal, and an end.

I gasped abruptly.

I don't know what happened, but something had happened. She had loved this guy. She found something and then... It was her decision, which was important. She decided when she'd die... not... I couldn't feel it anymore.

She gasped. My eyes flew open and I felt a wind propel me backwards. It was as if the universe didn't want me near this girl. I couldn't look away. Her eyes wanted to tell me something, something that she didn't even realize she wanted to say, but she didn't have the words or she didn't have the will. Then a single tear rolled down to join the rest and she smiled. It was haunting. Then she let go of the railing. I watched, stricken, but already in expectation as she soared downwards.

Something was off, something reeled inside of me.

Something had not gone according to plan and I'm the kind of girl where I knew that plans should go according to plan! It was usually highly essential, but this—this wasn't good. Not only for the fact that some part of me still felt connected to her, but there was a universe-world-future issue at stake. I had no idea why I felt that, how I felt it, but I did. I was panicked. The girl had jumped, and it was like the world was now going to end... I gulped.

Davy HarwoodWhere stories live. Discover now