Chapter Four: Missing Friend?

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I couldn't remember much after I had fallen asleep peacefully besides Scott. I slept like a baby, and I didn't feel so alone. A ringing noise came to ear, making me flutter my eyes open to see Scott's alarm clock, buzzing as it was 6am. I groan as I effortlessly waved my fingers out at the alarm clock, before I dropped my hand back down. Just then, my hand came flat on a hard, sculpted chest. I could feel the warmth from Scott's body. The blurriness in my eyes  began to come clear, and my eyes found their way up to see Scott, sleeping peacefully. I was cuddled up to him, he was laid on his back and I was laid on my side, my hand draped over, as well as my leg. I lifted my leg off of him and began to move backwards, coming out of the bed and standing up. I quietly snuck from the left-side of his bed, and across the bottom. 

"What are you doing?" Scott's groggy voice came into ear, making me freeze on the spot. My head turned to look at him, using his elbows to prop himself up to stare at me.

"Trying not to wake you up," I shot back at him but I turned my body to face him. "Clearly didn't work," I chuckled at him for a moment. "I'll see you at school," I state walking over to my clothes and picking them up. 

"I mean you could stay for breakfast?" He counters, making me take my gaze back to him. He was now leaning fully up in the bed, his eyes locked onto me. 

"I'll take a rain-check," I offered a wide smile to him as I began to put my jeans back on. "Thank you for last night, it really meant a lot," I spoke to him while taking off the baggy shirt and tossing it over to his draws. I could feel his eyes wonder the top half of my body, like he was impressed. "Tell your mum thank you as well," I smiled warmly at him as I placed my woolly jumper back on. "See you at school," I told him before pushing off from my legs and vamp-speeding from his room and on my way to school. As I was so thankful to Scott and his Mother, allowing me to stay at there's for even just a night...


The school day had come and gone, throughout the day there's been things around the school that made me think. A locker that was in the hallway, I've been passed every time seemed out of place to me, something was calling me too it and there was also that itch at the back of my head. Which I couldn't scratch that itch. I told Scott what I felt and he had said that he's been having holes in his memories too...

Scott and I stood in the vet clinic, as Deaton held a piece of window glass which was tinted blue. Deaton was examining the shard, as we had no idea what it was.

"I keep having this feeling like there's pieces missing. Holes in my memory," Scott states, as I was stood next to him. "Like this. I took that from a windshield at the Sheriff's Impound Lot, but I can't remember why I was there," Scott rushes out, his gaze looking to the shard and Deaton.

"The subconscious can be a conduit for our memories. Dreams and waking dreams can be powerful tools to help us remember," Deaton explained to us, his eyes flickering between us. 

"Could it be connected? The Ghost Riders, the Wild Hunt, the lack of holes in our memories?" I ask Deaton with a raised eyebrow, while crossing my arms over my chest.

"The Wild Hunt are drawn to war and mayhem. I've never heard of it doing anything to anyone's memory," Deaton states, handing the glass shard to Scott, which was held in a tongs. But Scott just looks at the shard, with the light shining down upon it. "It's almost like you have a form of Phantom limb syndrome," Deaton began as Scott and I took our gazes up to meet Deaton. "It's common in war. Amputees can have the sensation of an itch they can'y scratch or a pain that couldn't possibly be there. The missing limn is so important, the brain acts like the limb's still there," Deaton gave up a very graphical image of what we might be feeling.

"So, our subconscious is trying to tell us what's missing?" Scott asks him, speaking for both of us.

"It may be,"

"How the hell do we figure out what it's saying?" Scott asks looking defeated. 

"The easiest way to do that would be going to sleep," I spoke up my gaze cocking to Scott as it was the best way of your mind to tell you something. I had another form of way to get memories back, I had to perform a spell that will restore my memories...


I peppered for the spell in the woods, about five miles from Scott's house. I needed the fresh air, and somewhere safe and secluded. I sat on the rough ground as the leafs brushed up aside me. I took a deep breath, as I began to think about my memories and opening up my mind. I let out a breath, as I felt my weight shift backwards, sending me to the ground...

My eyes opened to the forest, I was still in the Beacon Hill for sure as these trees are very familiar. But in the distance I could see Scott wondering around, but it wasn't present Scott but younger him. It was the day he got bit... I blinked for a moment, but was sent to another location, standing beside the Sheriff now.

"Scott! Scott!" The Sheriff shouts, but there was also the fact how he knew Scott was out here in the first place. Or how he got into the woods, as he lived five miles away. He didn't drive back then, he couldn't have run because he had asthma. So how the hell did he get into the woods, and the Sheriff knowing he was in there when he was. There was something defiantly wrong here, my memories, Scott's memories were all rearranged, like reality had been messed with...

I shot open my eyes and leaned up gasping, collecting all of the oxygen around me. As I began to breath heavily, but I quickly stood to my feet. Our memories have been altered, the fabric of reality has changed. I scrambled to get my phone out of my jeans pocket and calling dialled Scott's number. I place the phone to my ear as the ringing began, but within seconds, I picked up Scott's phone in the distance of the woods. Making me push off from my legs, vamp-speeding through the woods and to the ringing. I came out of vamp-speed, coming to a halt at the right side of Scott, facing Lydia and Malia. 

"Geez, Alice," Scott announces with a hand over his heart, as I shocked them all. 

"I know this might sound crazy, but I think we're all forgotten someone, very important," I rushed out as there wasn't any time for apologise, but I also sounded heart broke. Heart broken at the fact that I could forget someone, that we all could simply forget. 

"I think I had a best friend. And I think he was out here with me that night," Scott states to us, meaning he knows that a person was missing from his life. 

"It doesn't sound crazy," Malia spoke taking her eyes to me. "I know that someone chained me up and I think they wanted me to stay human," Malia's eyes flickered between us all. 

"I came to school this morning and I was sure I was supposed to meet someone. But I couldn't remember who it was supposed to be," Lydia states frantically, before letting out a sigh. "I have been looking for them all day... Whoever it is, I think I loved him," Lydia's tone got quite as she knew that whoever we forgot that she loved him. 

"What if we're all missing the same person?" Scott's eyes flickered to us all, as it was one major possibility. Scott recovers a photo from his jacket before holding it out in front of us, as he shines his torch on it. It was a picture of Scott, Lydia, Malia and I. "I think that he was in this picture," Scott told us as Lydia shined her torch on it as well. 

"He was sitting right there," Lydia pointed to the middle of her and Scott, as I was on the table, and he must have been sitting directly in front of me. We all took our gazes up from the photo to look at one another, knowing Lydia was right. He was sat in this photo with all, but we can't remember him...

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