Chapter Eleven: Hellhound

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Parrish filled me on the way to the car

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Parrish filled me on the way to the car. Mason texted him asking if he could come to the where they captured the Ghost Rider and see if he could talk with it, to see what it wanted. He couldn't refuse it, because he was the only link to communicate between the Ghost Riders. We didn't waste anytime and got to the cabin in no time...

Parrish stood in the door way of the cabin, his gaze on the Ghost Rider, as thunder and lightning rumbled through the sky. Parrish made his way down the steps, and to stand in front of the cage. But I came down the steps quickly, my heels clicked against the stone making Scott, Theo, and Liam take their gazes to me. As I came to a halt at the left side of Liam.

"Alice?!" Scott asks, kind of wildly looking up and down my current choice of outfit. But I give him a knowing look that I would explain it all later. My gaze went to the cage to see the Rider come closer to the cage, as close as he could go, staring at Parrish.

"That's progress," Theo remarks, making me roll my eyes at his comment. Then thunder and lightning erupted outside, which made this more sinister than it already was.

"Ask him how we get everyone back," Liam tells Parrish on what to say to the Rider.

"Tell us how we get everyone back," Parrish spoke with a confident voice. The words he spoke was quite demanding. But the Rider didn't speak, instead he began to wail which sounded quite horrible to hear.

"What was that?" Liam asks, wondering what the hell happened.

"Did he say something?" Scott got into the back of Liam's sentence.

"He said 'Hellhound'," Parrish replied to Scott, but without turning to face him.

"Is that a good thing?" Theo asks, but there was dread in my stomach once again. Something was terrible wrong or something bad was going to happen. I cross my arms over my chest, hugging myself slightly.

"Ask him again," Scott announce to Parrish.

"What do you want from us?" Parrish demanded once again, hoping that this time would work.

"We are the Wild Hunt," a deep voice echoed out in our ears. "We hunt forever. Those who hunt with us hunt forever," the echoing of the Ghost Rider's voice faded as he stopped speaking.

"What does that mean?" Liam asks with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Tell us what you want," Parrish asks once again.

"We are the Wild Hunt. We hunt forever. Those who hunt with us hunt forever," the Ghost Rider replied still in that echoing tone of voice.

"That clarifies things," Theo remarked once again, making me take a stern gaze to him as that wasn't helping.

"What do we have to do to get everyone back? Do you want something from us?" Scott asks the Rider, but the Rider's gaze looked over to Scott now.

"Why's he looking at Scott?" Liam asks with clear worry in his voice.

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