Author's Note - Hi Again Everyone!

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Hey guys, Madeleine here again :')

So, as you probably all realised when I ghosted you harshly on that last chapter, I gave up on writing this story about 3 years ago. However, due to my rekindled love for storytelling and encouragement from the adamant followers of my Instagram stories, I've decided to restart this project. I also shaved my head relatively recently but that's not exactly relevant to the story, just wanted to let you know. xoxo

I'll be rewriting chapters and adding new ones in between (let's be honest, Jack and Kieran moved quite quickly. Not that it's not realistic - I'm just jealous.), so watch out for that and feel free to reread it. If you were one of my commenters, just know I've read each and every comment about 10 times, and I've just reread them again (at half past midnight) and I'm filled with motivation by it all!!

I hope you'll all enjoy what I'm about to (re)write, and if you're new here and have no idea what this is all about - welcome! Enjoy the lovable shitshow that is the shared life of Jack and Kieran.

That's me out, see you guys in the future ;)) and stay safe!! Viruses are nasty creatures, please wash your hands!

All my love,
Madeleine H.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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