In which she loses a few pounds

17 1 0

Haden stood at the end of the hall banging on the bathroom door. Her hair is in a messy bun and she's clad in pajamas. "Lillian, I need to use the bathroom,I have school today" Lillian whips open the door and leans in towards Haden who takes step back uncomfortable.

"I don't give a rats ass, Im doing my makeup" She went to close the door but Haden moves her foot to block it from closing " I need to shower" Lillian pushes the door anyways "I swear on everything I love that if you don't move your damn foot I'm taking it out with this door" Haden takes a step back sighing as her sister slams the door in her face. "And I swear on everything that I'm convincing mom to kick you out first chance I get"  Haden turns on her heels and walks back to her room.

Wearing sweats, a tank top, and a jacket Haden desends the steps into the kitchen where her mom, Denise is setting a plate of pancakes down on the table. She frowns seeing Haden. "Oh honey you need to go get dressed for school" Crossing the kitchen haden takes a peice of bacon off of a plate  before speaking "I am dressed for school" . Her mom shakes her head pointing at the stairs "No child of mine will ever go to school in sweats you look like a high class hobo, go try again" Haden stalks to the staircase but pauses at the bottom "But it's okay for Lillian to dress like a hooker?" she pauses before adding "I get it now" sarcasticlly "Go change now" Haden sighs going upstairs.

A few minutes later she emerges into the kitchen again dressed in dark wash skinney jeans, a tan sweater and combat boots. Seeing Hadens outfit Her mom sighs in contentment. Lillian walks down the stairs after Haden in a black corset, black skinney jeans. and black heels, She like-Haden has blue eyes and blonde hair but she religiously dyes her hair black. 

"Lillian is taking you to school today Haden" Haden laughs grabbing an apple and taking a bite "Dressed like that? um no offence or anything, but what if we get pulled over? They're going to think I'm her pimp, so I think I'll walk" Lillian scoffs "No offence she said" she shook her head walking back up the stairs "I could have stayed in bed if this were the case!" Lillian calls over her shoulder "Then maybe I could have showered this morning, please by all means stay in bed tomorrow" Haden calls after her sister

Arriving at school Haden crosses the courtyard to where her bestfriend Olivia stood, Olivia beams "Hey do you have have a ponytail holders? I have P.E first period and I don't have one" Haden shakes her head and reaches for her bun and pulls it out so that her waist length blond hair falls in waves "Here take this one" Olivia tilts her head to the side "Dont you need this? Your hair got really long over the summer and say if you have to pee doesnt it-" Haden clears her throat to cut Olicia off  "Don't even go there"  Olivia nods as the bell rings and yanks her hair into a high ponytail she leans over and pecks Hadens cheek "Love ya"  she starts the walk away but turns around at the last minute "Wanna hang out after school?" Haden shakes her head "Uh, sorry, I kind of have things to do, tomorrow okay?" 

Haden sits in the cold office shivering as Maicee Keller eyes her down "So are you in?" Haden nods but then catches herself "Yes ma'am" Maicee nods "Great, Now all you have to do now is prove yourself" Hadens eyes widen "What do you mean 'prove myself'?" Maicee gives Haden a tight lipped smile, but it was so quick it could have been a twitch,

"I was hoping you'd ask that, see I need you to spy on a guy Named Cameron Lockhart, find out if he has any secrets, check his phone, computer, even look through files for newspaper clippings regarding an accident in his teens, A diary would be best , I need you to find out anything we could use against him" Haden nods following along "And how do I do that?" Maicee gives Haden a full smile, one that couldn't be passes off as anything else "You get close to his son Spencer Lockhart, I picked you Haden because he goes to your school" Haden frowns "But if he goes to my school and this all blows up in my face I have no way of escaping"  Maicee leans back in her chair "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, as for you you might want to get rid of that mess you call hair. A hair cut is way past over due and it kind of just hangs there" Haden nods and stands up "I'm in" She shakes Maicee's hand and heads out the door.

She walks in her house later feeling pounds lighter, But getting a hair cut will do that to you or atleast that's what she thought, she'd never gotton a hair cut. Her mom stands in the kitchen cooking and her dad sits reading a book, hearing someone enter he looks up . "Haden what happened to your hair?" Out of the corner of her eye she sees her mom cross the kitchen a look of shock etched on her face, she fingers a fist full of Hadens hair that now lays a few inches under her shoulers "But why did you cut it?" Her moms asks, Haden smiles "Mom, Dad, I'm chasing my dreams" She hugs her crying mom before heading up the stairs and disapearing into her room.

I am so super sorry If it's short, I'm new to writing stories on wattpad and I'm still figuring out this whole length thing Please Please Please leave your thoughts and things. I dont know about you guys but I'm trying a different point of view and I like it, but tell me what YOU guys think. if there are any errors of typos let me know.

much love,


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