2018 Christmas Special

765 22 27

Baby Please Come Home / set before PROLOGUE

Alisabeth Mateo wasn't one to punch people in the face for knocking on her door, but she'd made an exception when she realized who was standing there. A young girl, who Alisabeth hadn't noticed at the time of her knockout punch, stood wide-eyed and looking down at the blonde angel, who slowly made his way back to his feet.

"Where the hell have you been?" Alisabeth asked, staring at the angel as if she were seeing a ghost. Her dark eyes were dressed with fright, because the last she'd heard of him was from his brother, telling her that he had died. Her skin was the colour of driftwood on a thin but muscular frame. Alisabeth rarely wore makeup and that day was no exception, her hair was tied up into a bun that was clear she had slept with it in and hadn't fixed it.

"We've got to stop meeting like this," Gabriel ran his thumb along his lip, looking for blood. A bad habit he'd developed from when he was human the first time.

"You've got to stop leaving then."

"Believe me," Gabriel said, "I know there's nothing I can say that will make anything better, and I sure as hell don't deserve your forgiveness. But, Alis—"

Gabriel was cut off as Alisabeth lunged at him, wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight embrace. Because while she was furious, he was back. And, in that moment, that was all that mattered.

While she knew she'd hit something dense and physically in front of her when she punched him, her embrace was unwavering. Like she was afraid if she let him go, he'd leave again. Gabriel's arms slowly wrapped around her, like he was praying she wouldn't let him go either. Alisabeth's body shook from trying to hold back any tears that threatened to come out, her hand finding its way to the nape of his neck. Alisabeth wouldn't let Gabriel see her cry, not on his behalf or anyone else's. It wasn't in her nature, no matter how much she loved him.

"I thought you were dead," Alisabeth whispered. The cold metal of her wristwatch sent chills down Gabriel's spine.

"I was," Gabriel managed. "I have so much to tell you, but that's not why I'm here."

Alisabeth pulled away, despite every fiber of her being telling her to continue holding Gabriel. He stepped to the side, looking at the young girl that he'd brought with him. Tangled blonde hair, eyes so bloodshot it was as if they were tattooed crimson. Malnourished only began to describe the girl's petite frame, the sight of her almost brought Alisabeth's held back tears flooding down her cheeks.

"Come on in, I was just making dinner," Alisabeth stepped out of the way of the door, motioning for Gabriel and the girl to join her. Shutting the door, she walked back into her kitchen. Luckily, Dean had called her and said they had a case and couldn't make it to dinner, but Alisabeth had already started making it, so there was enough for her and the young girl, with plenty to spare.

Gabriel led the girl to where he knew Alisabeth's living room was. Vaguely, Alisabeth could hear the two of them talking, the girl trying to find out where they were and who Alisabeth was. Alisabeth waited for her stove to beep, and carefully placed her chicken on the rack to roast. Pulling off her oven mitts, Alisabeth made her way into the living room.

"Listen up, Goldilocks, she can take care of you. Cas, Eli, and I can't and I think we've proven that by this point," Gabriel was whispering, but his tone was that of shouting—urgent and needing to be listened to.

"I'm not a take a penny, leave a penny that you can ditch pass around as much as you want. I thought you were going to help me get back home," the girl replied, tone begging to be listened to as much as Gabriel's. "Look, she seems like a nice lady, and it's clear you got some illegal angel romance thing going on, but this wasn't the deal. I held that bitch in me for months waiting for you to help me, and I still haven't seen your side of the bargain held up. That's on you, dickweed."

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