Chapter V - Don't You (Forget About Me)

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Driving to Ohio was one of the last things that Dean Winchester wanted to do. Why? Because they were likely to get attacked by Saint Douchebag and that was the last thing any of them needed right then. But also—

"Dean?" Leila asked. Quietly from the backseat. She adjusted McFly on her lap, the dog sticking her head out the open window happily.

"Yeah, kid?"

"Isn't Al's son in Ohio?" she asked. "If... if I remember right. She mentioned him once or twice when I was staying there."

"Uh, yeah, kid," Dean said. "Sully's in Ohio. Why?"

That. Sully and Dean hadn't talked in... well. All he could really say was that it wasn't going to be a good reception.

"Well, I don't know," Leila said. "We could... we could say hi. If you wanted. Al said you guys grew up together. We can stop by if you want."

"I'm not sure that's the best idea," Sam said. "Sully's not... we're not on the best terms."

"But you're family," Leila said. "Doesn't that mean something?"

Sam and Dean exchanged looks.

"Kid—" Dean started.

"We could try," Sam said, trailing off at the end like he was surprised the words had left his mouth.

Dean's eyes widened, but he tilted his head to the side. "Oh... kay."

The Impala turned at the next light. Dean was driving slower than Leila had ever seen him drive. Which was to say he was doing the city speed limit. Dean looked like he wanted to be doing anything than driving the car toward Sullivan Mateo's house, but majority ruled. And sucked.

Leila was impressed that he still knew the directions. Then again, she'd known exactly where her house was. Even after all the time away from it. Some things just stick with you.

It wasn't too long before Dean put the Impala in park in front of a house that was quite ordinary, like all the others on the block. Leila felt at ease with the house. Which was more than she could say about almost any other house she'd visited in the last year of her life.

"Do you think Sully'll help us?" Leila asked. "Might be nice to have another set of hands on deck."

"Don't bring it up," Dean said. "Or he's even less likely to help us."


"Don't bring it up," Dean said, opening his door. "We're nuts for even saying hi."

Dean slammed the door after he got out. Sam turned to look into the back seat, his eyebrows knit together.

"It'll be fine," Sam said. Even though he sounded like it probably wouldn't. "Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?"


Leila nodded and slowly opened her door at the same time Sam did. Getting out, the two joined Dean in front of the door after he'd already knocked. McFly sat patiently beside Leila's leg.

"Do you think they're home?" Sam asked.

Then they heard the baby cry.

"Dean Winchester, I swear to God—" a voice came from the inside. Thundering footsteps came closer and the door swung open. Before any of them could react, the man in front of them landed a punch to Dean's jaw, causing him to stumble back. "I just got her to sleep."

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