The Tell-tale Pup

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3 months later

Rorik brought his slim body even lower to the ground, trying to completely blend in with his surroundings. His parents had recently taught him and his siblings how to hunt correctly, and now he was testing his new skills. He smirked as he eyed his little prey, gently lapping at the water from the creek, not a care in the world. His ears were erect and tuned to the slightest changes in his surroundings, to the leaves rustling in the breeze or the ants crawling between his paws. His hindquarters rose up slightly, preparing to pounce as soon as the opportunity presented itself. His prey shifted at the water, adjusting their body for better access, both to the water, and for Rorik's attack. His body contracted, every muscle squeezing as he leapt from the bushes and pounced on his unsuspecting prey.
Rose screamed as a slim but solid body collided with her's and they went rolling along the embankment, finally ending with Rose getting pinned to the ground on her back, staring up into the ice blue eyes of her attacker, who was grinning down at her with a smug expression. Rose snarled and pushed against his chest.
"Rorik I'm gonna kill you for that little stunt!!" She threatened, trying and failing to push him off of her. She was a full 2 months older than him at 6 months, but he had grown much faster and stronger than her. His lithe form was skinny but muscular and easily over powered her. Rorik wasn't necessarily bigger than her, but he was much stronger. He smirked as she batted at his nose.
"You can try little dandelion, but we both know I can beat you." He challenged as he slowly got off of her, proving his point. Rose narrowed her sharp green eyes.
"Maybe in a fight of brawn, but we both know I'm faster than you." This time it was her turn to smirk. "You wolves are built for battle and strength, but we sabers are built for speed." Rorik rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"As if Dandelion." Rose's little nose wrinkled in indignation.
"Would you stop calling me that!"
"Why? You're a small, little, white dandelion that could blow away at the slightest breeze." Rorik teased, sauntering back up to her and getting in her space. Rose lifted her head a notch.
"Put your money where your mouth is Rorik. I bet you couldn't catch me or find me." Rorik raised a brow.
"It's on." Rose smiled sweetly and then abruptly shoved him, momentarily startling him and giving her a brief head start. She heard a growl and swift running behind her. But she wasn't worried. Putting on a burst of speed and using the tricks her mother had taught her, her graceful form easily out maneuvered Rorik's still clumsy excuse for a chase. She got to one of the snow hills and quickly hid under the bowing branches of a cedar, heavy with snow. She nestled down and waited, smirking when Rorik burst out of the forest and looked around the snow covered area. His eyes snapped in frustration and he was breathing hard.
Rose held back a giggle. She knew her white coat hid her perfectly in the snow, the black stripe down her back only further aiding her under the tree. Her fur had been a grayish color when she'd first been born but had since whitened to match the snow, which was rather unusual considering neither of her parents were white sabers. Other than their underbellies, they didn't even posses the color. Her tan paws and green eyes gave away her connection to her father though.
Rorik wandered around a little, his frustration mounting by the minute. Then, he put his nose to the air and sniffed. Rose's heart dropped. She thought Aunt Sassy and Uncle Denali hadn't taught the wolf pups to track yet! His head turned towards her and she burrowed even further into the snow, hoping it would mask her scent. No such luck. Rorik marched towards her and just before her could pounce again she took off, letting out a short squeal when his paw grazed her stubby tail as she fled. She ran as fast as she could, through the forest and underbrush...and straight into Laila and Ylva on the other side. She immediately put in the brakes, but was going too fast and skidded into the pups, knocking them over like a pair of bowling pins. Laila and Ylva groaned and Rose stumbled off them.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to run into you!" Laila and Ylva's matching amber eyes went to hers.
"What on earth has you running for your life!?" Ylva demanded. Just them Rorik burst out of the bushes and landed next to the females, breathing hard but grinning at Rose. She felt her ears wilt at her failure. Laila and Ylva simply rolled their eyes and got to their feet. The two were basically twins in a 5 pup litter. They were always together and were the most similar in personality. Laila walked to her brother and wacked him across the head with her paw. Her cowered and jumped away from her, only to have Ylva do the same thing on his other side. He yelped and backed up, glaring at his sisters.
"I was only having a little fun." He grumbled.
"How many times does momma have to tell you to leave poor Rose alone!?" Laila scolded.
"I can take care of myself." Rose huffed. She stalked past Rorik, looking down her nose at him. "Someday Rorik, I'm going to get the best of you." He smirked again, his blue eyes flashing with mischief. He and Freya, his only other sister, were the only ones who had kept their icy eyes from birth. Laila, Ylva and Haken's eyes had all turned to match their parents. Somehow, his eyes seemed to make him even more of a trouble maker. They made Freya look menacing in a gorgeous way. Rose humphed and flicked her short tail, holding her head high as she walked off.

About a mile away, Diego was leg deep in the watering hole, trying to teach his two sons how to fish. Most sabers couldn't swim but did know how to fish. Diego had discovered that swimming was helpful in saving lives and in catching fish. He wanted his children to know how to do both.
"Wait for the fish to come to you. That's it. Easy...easy...Rocky No-!" Too late. Rocky splashed in impatience and then looked sheepishly up at his father, had water dripping down his nose and sabers.
"Sorry dad." Chase snorted a laugh and Diego sent a warning look to his son, then looked up as he heard another laugh, this one female. Sassy was standing on the shore a few feet away, smirking with Haken at her side.
"You look like a drowned kitten Diego." Diego growled at her but she merely ignored him and strode into the water, Haken at her side. He paddled a bit, struggling slightly with the water but smiling up at his uncle when they reached the tigers. Haken was the quietest of the wolf pups...of the wolf and saber babies combined. He was never far from his mother or father and was always doing thoughtful things for others. The boy was eager to please. "Haken wanted to learn to fish, so I thought he could join you three. You are better at fishing than me." Sassy said. Diego raised a brow at her, knowing she was attempting to make him look good in front of his sons considering she had just called him a drowned kitten. Diego smiled down at the pup.
"Of course he can. Come on Haken, we'll catch a big one for your family for dinner." Haken's smiled widened at that. Sassy licked her youngest on the head in goodbye and wadded back out of the water, shaking herself off. She trotted back to her family's cave and shook herself off again, shivering slightly at the cooler air in the cave.
"I love it when you shake." A voice said. Sassy instantly recognized her husband's deep, teasing voice and her sharp eyes searched the cave for him. He was laying in the shadows, watching her fondly but with an intensity in his gaze. She smiled and walked up to him, nudging his head with hers.
"Only you could find my fur sticking out every which-way an attractive quality." Denali smirked and tugged her down next to him, tucking her under his strong foreleg and nuzzling her neck, licking her ears. Sassy squirmed but couldn't keep her moans at bay. "Wha-What if one...of the k-kids comes in?" She gasped out as his leg slowly slid down her body.
"They need to learn about it at some point anyway." Sassy would've shoved him at such a comment if she wasn't melting in her husband's embrace. Her eyes closed and a contented whine escaped her.
"So this is what you do when we children aren't around." Sassy's eyes flew open and she looked at the entrance of the cave in horror. Freya stood there, looking bored and uninterested. She tried to push away from Denali but he held her fast, instead choosing to glare at his daughter over Sassy's shoulder.
"It is, and we haven't gotten to in quite a while. So get out and keep your siblings out as well."
"Denali!!" Sassy squeaked. Freya rolled her eyes.
"I am never getting married." She muttered as she stalked off. Sassy glared at her mate.
"Really? That's how you're going to start 'the talk' with our kids?" Denali pushed her on her back and grinned above her.
"If they keep interrupting my alone time with my wife then yes."

Freya walked into the forest clearing and saw her all her aunts hovering around Peaches, all talking excitedly. Aunt Shira caught sight of her and came running up with Brooke on her heels.
"Oh Freya! Where is your mother? We have the most exciting news for her!" Brooke looked like she was going to burst in happiness. Freya would ask Shira if Brooke had been eating the nightshade berries again but this was just how she normally acted.
"Yeah I haven't seen her or Denali all day." Shira said. Freya jerked her head back towards the cave.
"They're having sex." Brooke gasped then immediately clapped her paws over her mouth. Shira took a step back, eyeing her niece cautiously. Freya tried to hide a smirk. She was only 4 months old and knew she shouldn't know about such things...but it wasn't her fault she was Uncle Buck's favorite and he had a tendency to spout off anything that entered his head when he had too much pineapple juice. Brooke turned bright red and stammered as she backed towards the group behind her.
"Oh can wait." She scampered off, leaving Freya with her glaring Aunt.
"Where did you hear that?" Freya shrugged, maintaining her innocence. Shira read between the lines. "Your mother is going to kill Buck."

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