Past Transgressions

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AN: The picture above is Haken, the last wolf pup

The hairs on Freya's neck stood on end. That name sounded so familiar. Where had she heard it? Wherever it was, she didn't like this wolf. Not one bit.
"Who are you searching for?" Haken asked, his back rigid. Lone Star sniffed the air and then his eyes settled on Freya. She steeled herself not to squirm under his gaze and instead met him stare for stare. His maw quirked slightly to one side, as though he was about to smirk but refrained for doing so.
"A wolf I knew in my youth." He gestured to Freya. "You are the spitting image of her, right down to those cold blue eyes." Freya froze. Was he talking about mom? She exchanged a look with Haken, who seemed just as confused and alarmed as she did, though he covered it well.
"I don't know who you're talking about." Freya said, her words coming out in more of a growl. A look of contempt flashed in Lone Star's eyes.
"Her name was Saskia. She became the alpha of my neighboring pack when she was very young. When I knew her, her eyes were just as icy as yours, and they never missed a thing." A cruel smile formed. " least most things." Freya felt Haken tense next to her and a low rumble begin in his chest. Nikita, who hadn't said a word since she'd tackled Haken, suddenly stepped forward.
"We mean no harm. Our alpha smelled her scent and felt he should find her for old times sake. He says they were childhood friends." There was nothing but complete sincerity in her eyes, but Lone Star's held a darkness that Freya couldn't identify. All she knew was that she didn't want this wolf anywhere near her mother.
"Never heard of her." She bit out.
"Same. And there aren't many wolves in this territory. You must be mistaken." Haken said. Lone Star gave the siblings a condescending smile.
"We'll see about that."

An hour later, all five wolves entered the herd's camp. Freya and Haken has insisted they didn't know Saskia, but Lone Star had also been insistent. Either they took him to see their mother, or he'd summon the entire pack and then they'd have real trouble on their paws. Rorik and Rose entered the clearing, both looking very embarrassed, but that quickly faded when they caught sight of three strange wolves. Nikita and Anker immediately growled, raising their haunches at the sight of Rose. Rorik let out a protective snarl and stepped in front of Rose, telling the wolves to back off. Freya and Haken joined their brother and friend.
"This alpha wants to see mom." Haken muttered to Rorik. Rorik narrowed his eyes and then turned to Rose.
"Go find dad and Uncle Diego." Rose nodded her green eyes betraying her disrtress. She ran as fast as her powerful legs could carry her, towards the river where she knew mom and dad would be fishing around this time of day. She sped onto the bank and splashed into the water, hollering for her parents. Dad wasn't with her mother but instead with her brothers and Uncle Denali. Good, she wouldn't have to search the entire woods for him separately. The males all looked up in alarm.
"Rose!?" Diego bounded towards her, splashing through the water loudly. By the time he reached her, the others were following close behind him. "Honey, what's wrong?" He asked, the worry heavy in his voice.
"There are three strange wolves here." She looked over at Denali. "Haken says they want to see Aunt Sassy." Denali stiffened, his ears flicking back in displeasure.
"Lead the way Rose." She nodded and her uncle hurried after her, her father and Chase hot on his heels. Dad had told Rocky to go find mom and the rest of the wolf pups. That wouldn't be easy to do without alarming Aunt Sassy. It was a very rare occurrence for her to be alone, especially without one of her children by her side. They arrived back where the wolves were conversing, Rorik standing his ground with the alpha, his icy eyes flashing dangerously and his entire body rigid, fur puffed out. He looked nearly a third bigger than he already was, in fact, he was a good head above the two pack wolves and had considerably more bulk than the alpha.
Heat traveled into her face despite the situation. Between even just Rorik and Uncle Denali, this alpha would have a hard time of things if he made any trouble, not to mention with the rest of the wolf pups, her brothers and her father. Denali approached the group, head held high, an air of authority about him. He and the alpha sized each other up before the alpha spoke.
"So you're her mate. Her scent is all over you." He flashed a dark grin that caused a shiver to run down Rose's spine and her fur to stand on end. "Then this definitely means these are her children. Impressive I have to say."
"Who are you, and what do you want?" Denali asked, his tone low. The alpha opened his maw to speak but crashing in the forest interrupted them. Rocky came barreling through, Laila and Ylva accompanied by Shira on his tail...and Sassy bringing up the rear. She froze when she saw the strange wolves, more specifically, the alpha. Her dark eyes narrowed, hatred filling them and her fur puffed out just like Rorik's, a sure sign she felt threatened.
"Mom what are you doing here? Rocky why did you-," Freya's scolding was cut off by one ripping look from Sassy. Freya's ears went back and she cowered slightly.
"Children...," She said, in a tone that would leave no room for arguments less someone loose an ear. "Get back. Now." Everyone except Rorik obeyed. She kept her eyes on the alpha as she approached the wolves, but then shifted it to Rorik when she reached him. "I said now." She ordered. Rorik hesitated a moment, then reluctantly obeyed, backing up to stand by Rose, then placing himself partway between her and the wolves. Maybe it was because they had growled upon first seeing her. She couldn't think about it now though, for she had a feeling things were about to get very nasty very quickly.

Sassy tried to control her anger as she stared Lone Star down. She wasn't afraid of him for herself, but she didn't want any of her family, especially her daughters, anywhere near him. She wondered if Denali, Diego and Shira knew who it was. She had told the herd of her past not long after she realized she was pregnant, but the pups and kittens still didn't know. Lone Star jerked his head and his two lackeys backed up, giving her room with the varmint. Denali stood next to her, a step or two back, silently waiting until she needed him. She loved him for his quiet strength. Lone Star smiled, a sickeningly sweet smile that had once made her heart flutter. Now it just made her want to rip his throat out and lay it at his feet to look at.
"What do you want, Lone Star?" She asked, her voice even and calm. On the inside though, she was shaking with rage. She heard a low rumble in Denali's chest and felt him shift beside her. So he hadn't known. Lone Star smirked at her.
"Can't you welcome an old friend Saskia? Oh forgive me, I forgot your alpha name was Savage Fire." His lip curled and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes. "I always said you were too young to be alpha. Apparently I was right, considering you left. Were the pressures just too much for you?" Sassy barely restrained the growl beginning in her chest. Instead she lifted her head a notch, willing herself to take the high road.
"I needn't explain myself to you, and I have no business with you...Fenrir." Lone Star's eyes darkened to almost black and a low, almost inaudible rumble came from his throat. Sassy looked him dead in the eye and saw Nikita and Anker shift anxiously out of the corners of her eyes. Her eyes flicked and she heard the slightly heavy footsteps of her mammoth friends behind her. She bit back a smirk. No doubt Buck was in some tree nearby as well, along with Sid and Brooke. She had her family by her side. "Get out of here Fenrir. If I see you anywhere near my family, you're going to get first hand knowledge of why I was alpha for so long." His eyes narrowed but he didn't say a word, simply motioned to his wolves and they obediently followed him. Nikita looked over her shoulder in Haken's direction, but then quickly averted her eyes and lowered her head, disappearing into the brush. Denali stepped to her side.
"Think that's all we'll see of him?" Sassy shook her head.
"No. Not by a long shot."

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