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Harry POV
So I have detention after school with Draco goyle and grab. I'm nervous grab and goyle have been messing with me and threating everyday. Saying if I ever get any were near Draco they hurt him. So I'm tying not to be near him but this detention is not helping. I soon walk into snape room and see everythere Draco smiles to me. But I just nod and sit at the other end. I notice Draco looking at me but I just look down sad.
" Do you have any idea why your all here? " Snap asks
" Yeah cause those punk ass were messing with my harry"  Draco says in a mad voice
"Anyone else? " Snape says
" Because a Slyrithin and a grifendor shouldn't be together plus there boys. " Goyle says glaring at me I look away I can't even look at him right now.
"You are all here because your chilish stuipd actions intruped my class" Snape says
" Now I want you guys to spend 3 hours in here and work it out if I see a single mess in my room you'll be expelled " Snape says leaving the door and locking it.
I'm scared now I looked up at goyle and grab and see then smirk whispering a spell I think it's the slighlent spell.
"Hey potter catch this" Goyle says throwing a spell at me I get nocked back from my seat. Soon I see Draco over me helping me up.
" Are you ok harry? " Draco says worried
" Oh uh yeah you should go on the other side" I says not looking at Draco next thing I know I see Draco liffting my head and kiss me I kiss back long and softly but then scoot back remmebering grab and goyle
" Harry stop running from me idc if I get hurt I'm going to be next to you" Draco says I smile and look up 
" I love you Draco and I guess sense you are so stubborn I'll have to deal" I says hugging him he hugs me back
Grab and goyle suddenly fall on the floor and wake up.
" Omg Draco were sorry for hurting Harry it wansnt us" Goyle says
" Oh yeah who was it then? " Draco says getting defensive
" Your father " Goyle says
Draco fallsbackwards but I stop him from Falling and catch him
"Draco I won't let him get you I promise " I say " Draco looks up at me scared" Ok I believe you " Draco says Snape soon comes in and looks at us " Good nothings destroyed you all my go" Snape says
We all leave

* hey guys sorry for short chapter comments down below and give me ideas cause I'm starting to get writers block*

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