graduated from Hogwarts /smutt

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Draco POV
I'm so happy harry said yes that's all I every wanted was him to be in my arms safe and sound and happy. And now I actually get to claim him as mine . I mean I know we've already done it but only once. And I was hoping to ask Harry if we can do it agian so I can mark him as mine. I already we up its an hour before school so I'm going to let Harry sleep at least 20 more mins because he's just to cute sleeping I mean look at his smile it's so cute. (Imagine Harry curled up in blankets with a cute little smile.)
I laugh a little and I see Harry waking up
" Morning baby " I says smiling
" Morning Draco what time is it" Harry ask
" 7:00am" I says
" What I only got 2o mins before school stars Draco why didn't you wake me up" Harry gets a little mad
" I couldn't you were sleeping to cute and I couldn't ruin that for you" I says
Harry just smiles and growls
" Come we are going to be late " Harry says  grabbing my hand running into shapes class late. And it's never ok to be late in his class
" Why we're you late" Snape asks
" We didn't wake up in time sir" Harry says
I gulp as Snape looks at me I'm telling you he is scary sometimes
" Draco Malfoy learn your lesson next time" Snape says
" Yes sir" I says pretty sucked because he didn't give me detention I smile and grab Harry's hand walking to our sit. Soon Snape smacks my hand
" No couple stuff in class" Snape says and I just growl he's so over protective but then agian so am I so I can't argue there. Today is our last day at Hogwarts and I'm very happy but also sad because I loved this place its where I meet Harry and became who I am but hey we can always visit. Once we find her our exam in Snape class we all left
" How did you do babe? " I ask holding his hand
" I think I was able to pass" Harry says
" That's great" I smiled
" How about you? " Harry asks
" Same answers as you" I say laughing
Anyways we went to our other class and did there exams and now we are finally done with Hogwarts me Harry Ron and Hermione, Neville and Luna were all standing outside the door
" Wow I can't believe it's been 7 years " Luna say snuggling up against neville there cute together
" I know we were so young when we started" Hermione says
" Hey looks how much we've grown though and we still stuck together the whole way" Harry says and I smile hugging him close
"  Harry is right guys " I says
We all smile and walk to Hermione and Ron's new house
" Wow guys this is amazing " Harry and I says
" Thanks" Hermione says
" Want any wine guys? " Ron asks
" Nah I'm good" I says
" Just a small glass thanks Ron" Harry says as Ron pours our drinks soon after we all hangout me and Harry go to our apperment
" Hey Harry I know we did it once but can we do it agian but this time me marking you? " I ask nervous looking at Harry his expression is shocked but happy
" Uh yes" Harry says almost sturrimg and blushing awe he's so cute
" Thank you " I says soon before I know It I'm kissing Harry French style and he kiss back. Then I pin him to the bed and start to kiss his neck giving him my mark letting everyone know he's mine.
I smirk as I here him wimper it's so cute
" You ready Potter" I says smirking
He smiles and nods I smile and kiss him taking off his top and pants along with mine.
Soon I rub my hands all around his body knowing it's all mine. I smirk and do kiss bits all over his stomach and I here him moan and little and I smile at that soon I have him get my member hard. So Harry put his mouth on my member and starts to suck it and I soon moan. Once he's done I slide into Harry going slow at first so Harry can get use to it then I go start to go fast and we both start panting  and moaning.
After all that fun I cuddle Harry in my arms and watch him fall asleep. I can't believe we are getting married in two days I'm so excited. I will protect my Harry till I die he will be happy and nothing else. I smile kiss Harry on the for head and hold him closer to me as I fall asleep thinking about my future husband.

* hey guys I hope you liked this chapter I felt like I need to have them graduate so it makes more sense and stuff and also I know that one your engaged the mot Domittive one wants to claim his love and that was Draco so I added a little smutt hope you all don't mind. Anyways comment below what you think also I'm looking for someone who likes to roleplay cause I miss roleplay so text me if you want. Hope your all staying safe and healthy. *

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