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If I hadn't heard them talking, I'd never believe it. My mind refuses to process this information. It would explain many things I have wondered about her. 

Taking a deep breath, "I will call him." I say and walk away.

"zdes' bol'she problem, chem my dumal." I say as soon as he answers. (there are more problems than you thought)

"English is fine Ivan. What has you calling at this hour?" He laughs out.

"There were files on a laptop, from over 30 years ago.  The information may pertain to her. You've known her a long time. I need to ask some questions." I tell him.

"If I can, I will. What have you found?" He says.

I proceed to tell him about the files, every part of them. Hoping he sees we need to figure this out.

"I can only verify that she did have an addiction many years ago and still struggles to deal with it. She actually called me, to talk. When she feels the urge, she calls, I talk her out of it. Although, one day I'm afraid I won't be able to." He says.

"How long ago?" I ask.

"I first knew about it when she did her first job helping me. It was then, I discovered it." He tells me.

"Do you think she doesn't remember or just pushed it from her memory." I ask him.

"Damnit Ivan. Blyad! I can't tell you that without breaking her confidence." He states.

"We need to know Sergi. This is important just not for her but others." I say.

"She doesn't remember it. She's missing almost 7 months of her life. 7 months that she doesn't know what happened or how she was found addicted to heroine." He grits out.

I take a deep breath, "Have you heard of The Priest?" I ask.

"Of course I have. Why?" He asks.

"Because he is the one she was pregnant by. And he's pissed as fuck right now. Sergi, we need to find out where that baby went." I tell him.

"I'll get my men on it. Send me any information you can. The sooner the better." He says. 

I hang up, feeling uneasy about all this. How do I tell them that she's lost 7 months of her life? That she was addicted to heroine and who knows what else. Trying to calm myself, I pace a few minutes.

Slowing my breathing best I can, I step back into the room, they look up at me. Fear, is what I see in their eyes. 

"What did he say?" Chaos ask me.

"It seems she calls him when she gets stressed, to calm her down." I say looking at them. 

"That doesn't help Ivan." Kaden says.

I sit down, "Please refrain from exploding in here. Her son is next door and does not need to hear any of this. Do I make myself clear?" I ask as I look at each one of them.

I wait until each one nods, agreeing. "When she was found, she was addicted to heroine. Not sure if there was anything else. She also, fuck, she doesn't remember 7 months before that. She has no memory of those months." I say as I watch them. 

Kaden face is beet red. His hands form fists. Chaos starts pacing, furious. And Priest sits there, tears rolling down his face. It's then, I realize, he loved her all those years ago. His face is showing emotions that I would never have thought he had.

"My daughter?" Priest ask looking at me.

"Sergi has men looking into it. If there's anything to be found, they will find it." I reply.

Devil's Sinners MC Lost & Found  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now