Ch.1 The Mission

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In Forrest town, Queens, New York Spider-man was just swinging to the Avengers headquarters after receiving a message from Tony stark, Spider-man knows this message was important just from the look of it.After miles of swinging Spider-man enters Headquarters and takes off his mask and looks for Tony stark.

Peter Parker: Hello! * yells out Tony starks name* Mr.Stark!? i'm here just like you ask.

Steve Rogers enters the room with Natasha as they walk to peter

Peter Parker: * turns around* Oh! Hey Steve, Hi Natasha, Have you guys seen Mr.stark? he called me and I don't know where he is.

Steve Rogers: I believe he is in the Laboratory with Banner, Yea, Yea i believe he is their.

Natasha: do you know why he wants to see you peter?

peter Parker: no, but i can tell it's serious, i can tell from the text, perhaps he wants me to stop Kang, or perhaps he wants me to investigate, Or maybe it's a new suit! * eyes become sparkling* that would be so cool!

Steve Rogers: well whatever it is you must speak with him privately Peter.

Peter Parker: you got it Cap! thanks you guys! * runs off to the laboratory to see if Tony stark is their*.

After when peter arrives in the Laboratory room, he walks in and sees Tony Stark working with Bruce banner

Peter Parker: Hey Mr.stark! i'm here just like you ask! oh and hi Bruce

Tony Stark: Kid your here * puts down a gadget at the table* great timing as well, Mr.Banner mind if i speak to Peter for a bit?

Bruce Banner: sure thing Tony, take all the time you need * puts on some googles and works on the project they are working on*

Peter Parker: so whats the deal * Tony grabs him by the arm and pulls him out of the Laboratory * Ow! is it something i did!?

Tony Stark: Oh no, It's just Their is a important Mission for you kid.

Peter Parker: Really? what's the Mission Mr.stark? you want me to take down Juggernaut? did Black Heart escaped again?

Tony Stark: Negative Kid, it's you nemesis Mysterio peter, I heard that he is planning of robbing an ancient Stone that fell on earth over Billions of years ago, that stone is held in the queens museum, Scientist states it fell from another galaxy, but i need you to keep an eye on the museum tonight. You got it?

Spider-man: Sure thing Mr.stark! at what time your looking forward of me arriving to the museum?

Tony Stark: be their by 8, if Mysterio succeed by achieving the object, Contact me alright?

Spider-man: Sure thing Mr.stark!

As peter leaves headquarters, He get's ready for tonight for the mission of stopping Mysterio evil plans. Soon that Afternoon, Peter walks to his apartment and crawls to his room by climbing the walls without being caught, he opens the window and gets in and shuts it, Taking off his mask and thinks about how to deal with Mysterio tonight. As time skipped it is 8:00 P.M and Peter waits on top of a building near the Museum.

Spider-man: ok Quentin, where are you * lens zoom in the museum and sees a green fog appearing inside the museum * oh great, just appear inside * shoots a web string on top of the museum and swings to the roof* ok Mr. fishbowl head, how can i get in? * sees a vent and opens it and crawls in and crawls to the exact spot Mysterio is at and sees him by another vent*

Mysterio: ahh, their it is * Holds a Diamond shaped stone inside it has a dark tone and glowing dots* The Omni Heart, with this stone i will be able to send anyone to a different Universe! and no one will be able to stop me!

Spider-man: * sees it and whispers* so much for scientist fact, i gotta get that stone quietly * opens the vend and puts a web string under him and goes a bit low upside down*

Mysterio: * sees his reflection from the omni heart* Peter, so nice of you crashing in!

Spider-man: Really!? * shoots a web string at the Omni heart*

Mysterio: * quickly turns around and grabs his string* Foolish bug! you can't stop me now!

Spider-man: * hops down* Really bowl head? every time villains say that, they receive Karma!

Mysterio: the Karma is gonna hit you, By interfering Into other peoples Plans! * blast a green light at 2 samurai decorations bringing them to life and under my control*

spider-man: * sees* oh perfect! you are to afraid to fight me, so you made your action figures to do all the work! * Starts to fight the 2 samurai Figures *

Mysterio: * laughs* while they keep you busy i Can transport you into another world! and you will never be a problem anymore! * raises the Omni heart up in the air*

As Mysterio raises the Omni heart in the air, The galactic stone started to glow in a space color. While it was glowing a Wall breaks revealing Iron man showing up and he blast a laser beam at Mysterio's arm making him drop the omni Heart.

Spider-man: Mr.stark! Right on Time! * gets kicked by a samurai Figure* Ow buddy! i just ate!

Mysterio: * turns around* Tony! yet another Party crasher!

Iron man: Kid i thought i told you to contact me when Mysterio achieves the item!? * raises his palm at Mysterio*

Spider-man: I know Mr.stark! * dodges a punch* Thought i can take him down by myself!

Mysterio: but he can't! can he? * makes a bunch of clones of myself*

Iron man: great! * fly's to some of Mysterio's clones and blast some of them * i may not know which one is the real you- oh wait, yes i can! computer scan! * the computer scans every clone and spots the rel one grabbing the Omni Heart* Gotcha * fly's to him*

Spider-man: One more samurai to go! * as the samurai misses a swing from the sword, i punch him making him fall apart* geez i should become the next Bruce lee.

Mysterio: * sees Iron man flying to me* oh no you dont! * floats and blast many magic beams at both Tony and Peter*

Spider-man: * sees and dodges every single beam and runs to Mysterio*

Iron man: * blocks every beam and shoots lasers at him*

Mysterio: * holds onto the Omni Heart and makes a portal making His beam go thru, then opens another Portal making Tony's laser beam going back to him*

Iron man: oh boy! * blocks it but gets sent back from the beam*

Spider-man: * shoots a web string at the Omni heart and pulls it with all the strength i have* ER! COME ON!

Mysterio: * holds it and pulls it* Not today!

while Spider-man and mysterio are struggling to get the Omni Heart, it suddenly burst into a big light creating a big nova color hole sucking up both Peter and Mysterio.

Spider-man: AHH! * shoots a web string at a pole* Mr.Stark! Help! * The hole is sucking me in and the web string started to brake*

Mysterio: * grabs peter's leg* NO! i'm not going Anywhere! * holds onto Peter's leg*

Iron man: * gets up and sees* KID! * flys to him*

Spider-man: TONY! * the web brakes and both me and Mysterio get Sucked in the Hole then the hole shrinks and disappears*

Iron man: * stops and my mask opens up* no......Peter!!

TO BE CONTINUED.............

Hey guys, as you may know This is chapter One of this story, Tomorrow Chapter.2 will arrive, P.S take care everyone and stay safe out their, Remember Wash your hands, Stay Home, and be safe, We can do this! That's all from me.

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