Ch.23 Final battle pt.1

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The Pro heroes gaved up their quirks for the life of Mei Hatsume, All might had send the Location they are to Midoryia, As Peter and Class 1-A showed up they see all of the villains that had been freed from prison and they all get ready for the finale battle. The Heroes and Villains ran to each other for the Last battle and All For One just stands their with his arms behind him.

Spider-Man: Err! * shoots a web string at mysterio*

Mysterio: * grabs his web string and pulls him to me* come here spider! let me show why you all should never mess with us!

Spider-man: Wow! * gets pulled to mysterio but raises my fist and punches him in the head* shut it globe head!

Mysterio: Argh! you hit like a girl! * spreads green gas everywhere around the battle*

Mustard: hey that's my job idiot!

Mysterio: shut you face and start fighting you wanna be soldier!

Momo: gas...I got to make some gas mask quick! * creates some gas masks*

Moonfish: * makes my sharp teeth to stab around momo*

Momo: * yells a bit and backs up from the teeth blades* You Creepy bastard!

Moonfish: I want your fleshy! soft! Liver's! * my sharp teeth start to move toward Momo*

Tokoyami: Dark shadow! Let's deal with this creep like how we did last time!

Dark shadow: you got it-

Before dark shadow was gonna use it's full power, Electro blast a lighting bolt around Dark shadow making him a bit weak

Tokoyami: No! * looks up at electro* you electric fool!

Electro: *laughs* I have great news for you birdie, I know your weakness, No wait scratch that...All of us knows what's your guys is weakness! * laughs evilly*

Sero: what!?

Mina: they can't be serious! * dodges a attack from Spinner and throws a bit of acid at him*

Spinner: * blocks her acid with my Makeshift sword* You think acid will hurt me pinky!?

Mina: no but that will! * points behind him*

Spinner get's a confused face and turns around and he sees both Ojiro and Shoji and they both punch him quickly in the face knocking him out.

Rhino: *sees* Are you serious!? are you that weak you stupid lizard!

Twice: Hey rhino dude! let me make you a copy!

Rhino: Do it Twice!

Twice: You got- * sees Bakugo's blast coming towards us* Take cover!

Rhino: * blocks the blast getting a bit hurt and rushes to bakugo*

Bakugo: Ok! you want this! i will make your horn into a Chain! * uses my stun Grenade at Rhino*

Rhino: * rushes through the stun attack and punches Bakugo hard in the stomach but gets stun a bit* er...

Bakugo: * gets hit in the stomach and throws up a bit and flys to a wall*

Rhino: yuck..* eye twitches and slaps myself*

Uraraka: Bakugo! * runs to him*

Green Goblin: * throwing so many pumpkin bombs* Die! All of you die!

Kirishima: * hiding behind a police car* This green turd is so annoying!

Sato: I'll Toss you to him! * takes out a bag of sugar and eats it*

Spider-man x MHA ( my hero academia ) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now