c. gardiner

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charles gardiner



feb. 14


irelle's twin brother

charles is much quieter than his sister, he keeps mostly to himself and speaks not even half as much as irelle. while he doesn't talk much in a public setting, when charles is alone with the people he loves he'll be loud and teasing and maybe a little annoying, always one to put on a show when he's comfortable. he supports his sisters shows best he can, though hes not a big fan of the loud music and being cramped into a bar with big smelly dudes. 

as soon as charles turned 18 he moved out of his aunt and uncle's house with the little money he had into a small trailer that he now takes excellent care of, but is embarrassed still by his living conditions. charles' parents passed away when he was 12. he doesn't mention them or their death.

face claim - tripp bowers

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Harry potter au: 

Sooo his aunt and uncle are death eaters, but Charles refused that life so he's living on his own but that doesn't matter.

What matters is that my boy is a Ravenclaw! Hes quick and witty, and not so great with a wand but he's good at improvising and he's excellent with herbology and animals. 

I still hate the uniforms. This isn't even the real uniform and I still hate it. Hogwarts needs to up its game.

 Hogwarts needs to up its game

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