Chapter 16 ~ Old Drunk Friends

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Episode: Season 15 - Last Call Pt. 3

I was right.

The car ride had been extremely silent - well, silent except for Dean's occasional grumble of how loud I chewed or how many crumbs I was getting on Baby's seat. So I was more than happy when we finally arrived at our destination which so happened to be some type of backwoods bar. A deep sigh escaped my lips as Dean turned off the engine and we began to make our way to the door. I should've known we'd end up here. Why, oh, why was it always a bar with him? That or a diner, anyway.

The inside of the building looked no better than the outside though - in fact, it was just your typical bar. Glasses of whiskey and gin on tables, scantily-clad women waiting on men, and drunks singing into the mic on stage. My gosh, how I wish I was anywhere else. The only bar I had ever really felt at home in was the Harvelle's. I felt a twinge of sadness in my chest at the memory of the family who I'd quickly become friends with, the mother sooner than the daughter. But still - they'd been good to me...

"Hey, there," a feminine voice piped up suddenly, capturing Dean's gaze and likewise mine.

The barmaid strolled over to us, a basket on her arm as she sent us a friendly smile.

"Nice place," Dean complimented, glancing around the room.

"Best beer and wings in the world," she flirted, a smirk tugging at her lips.

"I'll be the judge of that," he countered, smiling back at her.

I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Sure you will, handsome. But first, hand it over,"

"My gun?"

The woman laughed, "This is Texas, sweetheart. You can keep your gun. Cellphone,"

She held up the basket to the both of us, "Ain't a party if everyone's on their phone,"

Sighing, I obliged her request as did Dean. Although he seemed to do it with a little more pep than I did.

"Looking for someone-" Dean started to say but she cut him off.

"Oh, but I think you found her," she tilted her head, dark brown curls spilling over her shoulder as she giggled in a seductive manner.

Dean grinned back at her as I tried not to barf up my supper of donut-holes.

"Sally Anderson. Have you seen her?"

"Not yet, but it's "two for Tuesday." She'll show up,"

Dean smiled at her, "Thank you,"

The woman looked him up and down as if he were a piece of meat, humming to herself, "Mhmm. Thank you."

But as she began to walk away, she made sure to slap Dean on the rear as she did. I gaped at her as she retreated into the crowd, my expression quickly melting into that of a scowl. Briefly, I let my eyes flutter shut as I tried to regain control over my own emotions.

It didn't matter. None of this did. Dean and I were over and he could be with anyone he chose. We both made that choice a long time ago. In fact, I'm sure he'd had lots of flings over the years as had I.

Yeah? So why does it keep bothering you?  the voice in my head asked.

Scowling once more, I shook the thought loose as I followed after Dean. He was over by the stage now. Apparently, the drunk singing was his old hunting buddy, Lee Webb. I remembered him from the old days. He was a short guy, stout with stringy brown hair. But a friendly smile was plastered on his face as I sidled up beside my ex.

"Well, I'll be. Nah, it's not little Parker!" he exclaimed as his bright blue eyes landed on me.

I laughed, grinning as he grabbed me up in a tight hug.

"Not all that little anymore, SpiderWebb," I teased, using his old nickname as he put me back down on the ground.

He wagged a finger at me, "Don't start with me, Park,"

I smirked, shrugging, "Hey, it's not my fault someone had a less-than-healthy obsession with Spiderman,"

"He was a hero." he deadpanned and I mockingly rolled my eyes at him.

"HEY, LORNA! LORNA! LORNA!" Lee called out, grabbing the attention of the barmaid we'd met a few minutes ago, "Hey, can we get a couple of beers for me and my friends here? You got time, right?"

"Always." Dean grinned.

Note: Ah, this chapter was SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE!! I love my Darker babies :P Oh my gosh, y'all, there is so much mushy/angsty Darker scenes coming up, I'm too excited over here lol

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