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(warnings: slight angst here, panic attack, traumatic event)

THE NEXT morning, theo awoke with thoughts of peter. his lips, his hands, his smile. she shook her head as she couldn't help but smile. peter parker had made his way into her head.

and with that, she felt immense guilt. she was lying to him about who she really was. did she really want their relationship to start out that way? well... what was she going to do? tell him? that wasn't an option.

she quickly fixed her appearance, putting on the decathlon uniform and quickly walking out of her hotel room.

she walked over to peter's hotel room door, bringing her hand up and softly knocking. peter didn't come back to her room after what happened between them. she hoped things weren't awkward.

the door opened revealing ned, who looked at her wide eyed. "oh, uh, hey theo!" he said, leaning against the door frame. "what, uh, what're you doing here?" he asked incredulously as he scratched the back of his neck.

theo giggled a bit at the boy. "i'm looking for peter, you seen him?" she asked him as she peeked into the hotel room.

ned tried to find an excuse as he looked anywhere but theo. "um. uh. he went to get breakfast!" he said quickly, nodding.

theo eyed him, not really believing ned. "breakfast, huh? alright, well, i think we're leaving soon. i'll see you on the bus." she said, walking away from the weird encounter.

she then pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed peter's cell. she placed it on her ear, hearing the rings.

she frowned when the call went straight to voicemail, leaving her confused. she knew ned was lying about him being at breakfast. why would he? what was he doing?

she sighed and walked down to the lobby, meeting everyone there. she anxiously waited for peter, who did not show.

she sighed, sucking on her teeth before finally getting on the bus. she saw ned had no one to sit with so she walked over, sitting down with him. ned smiled widely. "hey ned." she said softly.

ned and theo immediately hit it off, talking about star wars, the avengers and everything else they had in common.

as they neared the convention center, ned looked at her. "so, you and peter are a thing, huh?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

theo giggled softly, shaking her head. "man, i sure hope so." she said as she patted his shoulder, getting off the bus.

mr. harrington was trying to be optimistic for his team, despite the entire team being intimidated by the other teams. theo texted peter one last time, before she was asked to put her phone in the basket.

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