Chapter 7: Gracie.

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Lirina P.O.V

Ever since they let me run around free. I took advantage of that. I would be running around outside and stretch. I would shift and wash off in the river. Very relaxing though taking a shower was even better.

I had no choice but to be careful. I have no clue what to do if they find out I'm a shifter. I still remember when my dad or mom said there was something special, they attached to in my blood. Meaning that in some way. It makes them stronger when drinking us.

That's the scary part. If so, what about my parents. They killed them meaning they.... use their blood to their advantage. Or to get more payback against others they have probably no chance against.

I shiver in few stepping out of the river. Sitting down on a rock trying to untangle it.

"Surprised to see you here" I face the voice fast seeing Gracie standing there.
"Never seen you around"

"Uh...who are you?" I respond gulping nervously. I feel her look up and down my body.

"I'm Gracie, the Queens daughter and you?" She responds stepping closer. Her golden eyes are shinning beautifully into the sun of the afternoon.

"I'm Lirina... I um. Got to go" I respond standing up fast and walks away slowly about to run.

"Why? We just barely talk" she says tilting her head observing me. Then something click in her head as her eyes gets wide.

I turn around and run fast but was pinned against a tree. I close my eyes terrified turning my head facing away. My hands trapped above my head. "Mate" she mumbles hiding her face in my neck.

"Ah... yes're body so close and I'm naked. Can you um...step back a little?" I asked.

'Why you want her to step away from us? I rather have her closer' she says purring.

'Chill out your hormones' I said. Seeing Gracie step back a little but still holding me against the tree.

"I can't believe I finally found you. Where you been?" She asked. Keeping her gorgeous golden eyes glued to me.

"I um... been running away. From the other vampires" I respond gulping scared she might do a double take.

"I understand. We can be quite feisty. We do run this world now. What are you? You smell addicting. But also wonderful at the same exact time. Like I've smell it before" she asked smelling my neck more. I hear her purr against me.

'Vampire's purr?' I asked.

'Why are you asking me? I never dated any vampire' Jess says laughing but really enjoying this moment.

"I can't answer you now, but I will promise you I'll come back in this exact spot for you. Is that, ok?" I asked blushing from how close she is.

I feel her move slowly closer. I feel her soft lips peck my cheek then her grin against it. "Of course. I'll let you go. My guards is going to find me soon anyways. They seem to always follow me. Go. Run. Before they come" she says stepping back letting go of my hands.

I nod and runs off fast into the forest. Shifting in midair. Running towards the Castle. I run inside the doors while some guards are watching me slowly start to walk down the hallway.

'Wouldn't she know our scent?' I asked.

'Yes, once she smells us. I have no clue what will happen from there' Jess says.

'Hopefully nothing bad. I'm going to avoid her at all costs when I am shifted' I respond noticing I'm in the throne room again.

"Oh, there is Lilly. Come here girl. She can help us out with the prisoners for today" the Queen says smiling with her fangs out... The king nods towards her. I walk next to her throne and lay down.

"Aren't you worried that she might be...a Panther shifter" he asked looking towards me.

'How does he know about our kind?' I respond.

'Not exactly sure but. I'm on edge now' Jess says as we look back towards the king.

"What do you have against Panther shifters? We used to have friends with them. But they left randomly. I'm sure she not one though" she says shaking her head at them. "Anyways, bring in the last prisoner" she orders to the guards. They nod their heads and rush towards the door opening it.

'Friends? So, they have friends who are Panther shifters' I asked.

'Yes, it seems that way. But something feels off about that' she asked.

'Ok we got to be extra careful then'

"Lilly observed him. See if he is telling the truth" She orders petting my head. I stand up and walks forwards. Observing the prisoner. He flitch a little. I've decided to growl at him in his face.

"Ok! Ok?! I was only trying to keep my family safe. My son is hybrid. He is part werewolf and part vampire. Their mother is a werewolf" he responds taking in a deep breathing. I stop growling and turn around walking next to the Throne laying back down.

"Alright. Lying will make you be in jail for 3 years. Never lie to us again. As for your son and wife. I understand why you killed our 3 vampires. Therefore, we will let them live" she responds.

"Settled. Guards take him to the jail cell" he orders snapping his fingers. They grab him taking off through the doors. "You" he says pointing at the guard beside them.

"Yes, your Majesty" the guard says standing up straight facing them.
"Have one of the vampires guard the family. Don't let anything happen to them" he nods running out the door. The king sighs.

"That wasn't that bad" he says kissing her cheek.

"True. Let's now tell the kids to meet us in the dining room for dinner" she says standing up stretching. They hold hands and walk slowly away the Queen stop. She faces me.

"Come on Lilly" she says smiling. I stand up walking with them.

Time for dinner.

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