Writers block

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Writers block, its were you can't scoop together any type of inspiration, have sore and/or raw fingers, or just can't remember that darn eluding plot that always seem's to slip your focus.

People know what writers block is, but do they know what causes it?

It can be caused by many things, here are a few:

1) Remember, your book must have a base, no mater how lose the ground is.

You can't just skip around every random topic and reveal things that wouldn't make sense to anyone!

Everything has to be connected. I cannot stress that point enough.


"Tim thought Casey seemed nervous, her pale cheeks tinged red and her hands shaking fiecely. Her green eyes darted everywhere but him, as though she avoided the thought of him.

Tim shrugged this off and slowly slinked out of the classroom. Valentines decorations were strung throughout the school, hanging above doors and knocking peoples heads.

He advanced towards his locker and swung it open, the tin door bang against the locker besides it.

A small heart shaped card fell out of it."

End example

There, a connected piece of writing. Leave some clues or leave reader confused.

If you don't have base (topic/ theme) you will confudle yourself.

2) Some times people make their character to much like themselves. This makes it difficult to write (unless your are an unusually open person), because it would become to personal.

It would probably feel as if your telling people your deepest secrets. You are forged from past events and how you reacted to them.

So, if the character is like you, and, say, had a passionate hate of bubblegum, and you have a passionate hate of bubblegum because you ate to much once, then you and your character are similar.

Yeah, you and your character can have things in common, but please, don't personalize.

3) If you know your forgetful (and even if you don't remember if you're forgetful) write down the plot somewhere you'll notice.

Even if its just a simple 'Eric secretly a vampire who has an alter ego.' (not ego as in confidence, but as in personality/ attitude.)

It will just have to do.

If your really forget full, write it down thrice.(NOW! ) Because you will probably forget...

4) Sometimes its just because you have lost your motive. Get somebody else to constantly encourage you (ti's where annoying people becoming really useful) to update.

Get into the habit of writing. No Flow, no Go. Get it?

If just 10 words a day, fine, whatever floats your boat.

5)  If you use pencils and your hands hurt, use pen.

I know there un-erase able and all, but there is allot less friction. Friction equals a sore hand rubbed raw.

Writing down your inspired thoughts in pen is better then losing them forever.

Computers. There's a reason they exist. You can undo, check for grammar mistakes (for the graphically challenged), and even begin world dominance.

Just a little side thought...

And their you have it, the 5 reasons why people get writers block.

If you think I missed anything, comment.

Trust me, I'll know, because you'll be the first to comment on this book.

Aren't I a little fortune cookie..

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