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I took a deep breath as we all settled down around the giant tree in the living room. There were a lot of presents that we've put under them over the month and today, we'd be opening them all. I hope Todoroki liked my gift. Or at a slim chance, loved it. It was simple and not something for entertainment, but memories. And it was something you got for your parents or elderly family members.
A scrapbook.
That's all it was and it was the uttermost top of the pile of presents. I sat beside Todoroki and shot a nervous look at Mina and she pulled me to her side, whispering.
"He'll love it. Maybe more than he loves you, " she added. I frowned and she patted my back.
"Were about to start, " Iida said.
We all had bought a present for everyone in the class. So we all had a good dozen at least.
Iida passed out one to everyone, setting a small square box on my lap then going to the next person. I frowned and looked at the box that was untouched on the top. The wrapped scrapbook was put to another pile as Iida moved it to get a small one and putting it on Mina's lap.
As he set it down, she whispered something in his ear and he looked at me before nodding.
Everyone opened there present at once and I smiled at the small picture of me and Uraraka smiling at the camera. I smiled up at Uraraka and she smiled widely at me. More presents were piled around our feet as Iida sped around the tree, the presents disappearing.
The scrapbook disappeared and appeared on my lap. He nodded to me and sped off. I blushed and set the present to the side, using the wrapping from my first present to hide the name on the wrapping.
We all broke into the presents but I just started at mine, too nervous about Todoroki not liking my present.
Mina shot me a worried look and I opened a few presents not processing what they were and setting them aside.
"Are you alright?" Todoroki asked, pausing mid-rip into his last present besides mine.
"I'm fine, " I said.
He frowned but let it go for now as I continued opening my presents. Everyone had left but Mina waited by the doorway watching with Uraraka peeking around her shoulder.
I finished and pulled Todoroki's present out.
His hands gripped the present and pulled it out of my grasp. I frowned as he opened the scrapbook. He looked through the photos one by one, smiling the entire time.
"Was this what you were so stressed about?" he asked. I looked at the photos and nodded. He chuckled and pulled me to his side, kissing my cheek.
"I love it, " he said. I relaxed and sighed.
"You had Mina and Toga help didn't you?" he asked. I smiled and nodded.
Toga had left a good two weeks ago to find a job after we had told All Might about her not wanting to be a villain. He just told us to be careful and let her be on her way. So far, we haven't heard anything but I know she'll find a job and be great at it.
"I still love it, " he said. I hugged him tightly and looked at my presents.
I had new notebooks for my notes on heroes, and some All Might things. I smiled and a small present appeared on my lap.
Todoroki smiled as I looked up at him.
" It's from me, " he said.
I nodded and opened it, gasping at what was inside. It was a small 3-D sculpture of us two. I smiled and felt myself tear up. Dang, it. It's like Mom at a wedding. I'm crying.
I hugged Todoroki tightly and smiled.
"I love you so much, Roki."
Roki broke the hug to kiss me gently.
"I love you more. Always and forever."
I smiled.


As my Izuku and that icey-fire boy opened presents, my head throbbed with anger. I've been in every single one of his classes since we were little, and he chooses, Endeavor's son as a lover?? I growled and slammed my fists down on the ground, snow flying out from under my gloved fists.

"Be patient, your time will come," Eno said. I growled and threw snow at him, the snow sliding down his jacket and falling back into the snow. "Just wait until they think everything will be fine. It'll hit them that we are always watching," Eno said.

I grinned. "Just wait, Izuku. You'll be mine, soon."

(This is for the sequel. If you enjoyed it--or made it this far(the end)-- then you might enjoy the sequel.)

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