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Fanart By: @-WhiteSpider- (link in comments, go follow them! They're awesome!)

⚠️I do want to say this before we start today's chapter, I forgot to add this is my announcement the other day and I didn't feel like making another one because I don't want announcements to be frequent for me. 

The last chapter, I realize now, was kinda Cliché and i'm trying to make sure that none of my chapters steer into, "this is way too cliché" territory. That's why I scrapped the idea of Mary being seven's love interest because that's all she would be there for, just making Six jealous. And I didn't want to Geisha to be EXTREMELY mean to Six or else she would've just been the, "I'm the toxic mom that doesn't love my child." And that would be it, which is why I made chapter 24. She does love Six, but she wants her to be tough, but she also doesn't want Six to betray her and stay loyal to her, which will be experienced in later chapter(s) on what the Geisha can really do when she's provoked (so stay tuned!)⚠️

Anyways, i'm sorry for the annoyingly long paragraph, let's go on with the story! 

Six's POV (Been awhile, huh?)

"Why did I do that?" I repeated over and over in my head as I made it all the way back to me and my mothers headquarters. "Why did I do that? Why did I do that? Why did I do that?" I said pacing around the room in a panicked manor. "I can't believe I just did that oh my goodness I should not have done that!" I yelled to myself. I let out a loud grunt of frustration. 

"That was so- so-" I stood there looking around the room my eyes looked over at the stairs and to the furniture. My foot hit object on the floor and I adverted my attention from the room to the object. It was a small solid ball, well to me it was like a size of a basketball. I picked up the ball and continued to savagely rape through all of my rapidly racing thoughts. My eyes looked around the room and they landed on a painting of my mother and I. "So STUPID!" I threw the ball with one hand towards the painting.

Luckily I missed the painting and the ball bounced off the wall and into a corner of the room. I screamed loudly, not caring on who would hear me. I'm ruined! I'm dead! Word will spread around the Maw! There's no way that brat will keep his mouth shut! If my mother hears that I kissed a dang 'brat' then I'm dead! I began to breathe heavily. I stoped pacing and began to take big, slow gulps of air as I began to try to calm down my racing head and rapid heartbeats. 

"It's alright, it's alright, it's alright..." I repeated to myself continuing to breathe slowly to bring my heartbeat and breathing back to a normal pace. As soon as I began to calm down, I immediately became tense again as I heard the door slam open. 

"Princess, are you alright? I became worried." A familiar voice echoed toward me. I turned around to see Roger, the best and kindest janitor of this horrid ship. He was looking around trying to find me he began to sniff the air and landed his blind gaze upon me. 

"I'm over here Roger, I apologize for startling you. How come you came here?" I asked politely, with a small shiver in my voice that i'm sure that Roger heard.

"Well," he let out a loud grunt turning his head which caused a loud snap to come from his neck. "I was waiting for you while I began cleaning and I know that you usually don't come to see me unless something bad or important occurs so I came to see if you were alright princess. And then I heard a loud scream come from your room and I began to get here as fast as I could, which as you can tell is not very fast." He let out a gruff chuckle and game me a crooked smile. "But are you alright? You voice seems slightly higher and broken then usual, are you sick?"

"No, no, I'm quiet alright Roger thank you." I said half honest. "I just wanted to get ready for the next batch of kids." 

"Well I understand then, I apologize for bothering you princess." Roger said. 

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