Chapter seven

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Lucy pov ~ I got up from under grays grip. When I stood up my entire lower body felt like jelly. I could bearly walk . When I got to the bathroom I leaned on the sink. I then turned around to brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror and saw a whole bunch of love bites decorating my chest.

I looked at one of the big mirrors in the bathroom. I had purplish hand prints on my butt. I had marks on my legs. I had a big hicky on my stomach. I smiled tracing them. I then felt arms wrapped around my waist. And buried their head in the crook of my neck kissing it. I knew who exactly who it was.

"Morning" I said slightly "morning sorry I think I went a little to hard on you last night" Gray mumble into my shoulder and tracing the marks he left on me and I shivered at the contact "it's fine plus I liked it even though I can bearly walk right now" I said smiling we just stood their for a few minutes enjoying each other's company.

"Do you want to join me" I asked gray "yeah" he said and he picked me up bridal style causing me to squeal. He placed me on the edge of the tub. And turned on the water filling up the tub. He add somethings into the water. I think it was probably healing medicine. He then got in and put me on his lap.

I then leaned into his touch. We sat there in silence for a while. "Hey gray" I asked quietly "yeah" he said "since your a demon slayer is my pregnancy going to be different" I asked him "yeah it will usually depending on how much kids your having. If it's one child pregnancy last three months. If it's twins it's six months. If it's triplets it's nine months. Quadruplets and more is a year" he said I nodded

"How many kids do you want" I asked him "I don't know maybe four or five. What's with the sudden baby questions" he asked "you do realize since we've been together we've yet to use protection right. So I must know what you think of kids if I were to ever get pregnant in the future" I said to him

"Oh okay well how many kids do you want" he asked me "six kids" I said to him and he smiled "I can't wait for you to be the mother of my children. You'll be a great mom Lucy. Your kind, smart, caring, understanding, easy to talk to, calm, patient, scary, and loving" he said kissing the side of my head I blushed

"Well you'll be a great dad also gray. Your protective, easy to talk to, calm cool and collected, supportive, and loving. You can also be really scary sometimes. So it will be good if we have daughters you can be the bad cop and I'll be the good cop when they start dating. And for our sons I'll be the bad cop and you'll be the good cop so it's a win win situation" I said smiling

"Who says our future daughters are aloud to date" he said and I giggled "I feel like our first children will be twins or triplets I'm not sure why though" I said to him "hmm I don't know either but what would you name them" he asked me

"For our sons it will either be Silver fullbuster after your father or Grayson fullbuster after you. For our daughter she'll have two names Layla Ul fullbuster after my mother and your master or Mika Luna fullbuster after your mother and Luna because I like the name" I said to him

He then hugged me tightly "you would really name our first set of children after the people most special to me" he asked slightly "of course I would" I said him and we kissed for about five minutes before getting out of the tub.

We then got ready and headed downstairs where we were meet with Wendy, Charla and happy. They gave us a knowing look me and gray just looked away. We all are breakfast and headed outside. We walked to the center where all my spirits homes were connected. I was met with all of my spirits.

"Good morning everyone" I said to them "morning" they all said "so what's on the agenda for the day" I asked "Charla will be training with the water based spirits. They will be your trainers from now on" Loki said Charla then went to stand by them "Wendy will be working with Draco for her dragon slaying magic. Aries and flame will be helping you with your healing magic"Loki said Wendy went to them "happy will be training with the fire based spirits" Loki said happy stood by them

"Gray you will be training with Crux and Blaze for your demon magic" Loki said and he went to them "Lucy you will be training with the rest of us" Loki told me and I nodded we all went our separate ways Loki told me that each day I will train with three different spirits. Today I'm training with Loki, Taurus, and Capricorn. We spent the day building up my agility, my speed, my hand eye coordination, how fast I'm able to dodge things, my strength and my ability to sense things.

It was very tiering. But if I want to reach my goal I have to get through this.

End of chapter I don't own fairy tail or the pictures or the videos that I have on here

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