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Today was both the worst and best day ever.

I was slowly making my way towards the school, shivering as I did so. Why was I so scared? Well... it's a long story.

The power lesbian couple of the school both happened to bully me for being a liar, and basically everyone hates me.

Who is that couple?

Miu Iruma and Kaede Akamatsu.

Miu bullies me in front of people, but Kaede loves to bully me when it's just me, her, and her girlfriend. Then Miu makes out with her for a while and I feel so disgusted I use it as the opportunity to leave.

Who am I?

My name is Kokichi Ouma. I'm a freshman at Hope's Peak Academy, a school for the best of the best.

My official title is the Super High School Level Prankster, but the school allows me to go by Ultimate Supreme Leader as to hide my true intentions for being here. As such, no teacher ever talks about my real talent.

I'm actually a lot shyer and vulnerable than I let on.. Except I hide it all behind a cover of lies. Now, what do I mean by that?

...I'm sure you'll find out.

Anyways, I continued my walk to the school. I felt pairs of eyes on me as I walked by, but I pretended to be my usual, cheerful self as I continued. I didn't make eye contact with anyone.

Everyone just left me alone, as expected. And I was fine with that. I made my way to my small group of friends.

...well, more people who can tolerate me and actually somewhat enjoy my presence.

"Heyyyy Keeboy, hey Avocado Hair!" I called out to my friends Keebo and Rantaro, who were sitting underneath the tree as usual.

"Hey there, Ouma." Rantaro greeted me, with his usual calm tone.

"Greetings, Ouma! How has your morning been going?" Keebo asked, rather politely.

"My morning has been FANTASTIC~" I lied smoothly, with a cheerful voice. "What about your's? I wanna know allll about a robot's morning! Well, you don't have to sleep like humans, so I guess it's not much."

"That's robophobic! You know full well that I charge for the same amount of time a human sleeps!" Keebo yelled, making me giggle and Rantaro chuckle.

"I'm sure Ouma was just kidding, Keebo.." Rantaro chuckled, smiling ever so slightly at my childish antics.

Keebo soon smiled as well.

"I see! I shall make sure to register this in my data! Now, it's nearly classtime. Shall we head to homeroom?" Keebo said. Me and Rantaro nodded.

This school works in a peculiar way. We all stick with our one class, but we have several different teachers.

The other people I know in our year are Makoto Naegi and Celestia Ludenberg from the famous "class 58", known for their tight friendship and teamwork.

Then there's Hajime Hinata and Nagito Komaeda, who I get along with. Their class is known for their research on hope and despair, that was led by Hajime and Nagito.

Then.. my class. We're known for being the only class in the school without a lucky student. No one knows how that happened...

Anyways, Rantaro, Keebo and I walked to room 206 on the second floor, generally just joking around.

We sat down in our seats, which were all in our small group of 3, as more people began to file into the room. Some looked peppy and cheerful while others seemed more tired and relaxed. However, some glared at me.

It was instinct to freeze up. I really hate it when they look at me like that, especially if it's directly in the eyes.

Almost immediately, I snapped out of it to continue my act. The act that keeps everyone hating me, but keeps bullies far away.

"Awwww... don't look at me like that, assassin girl!" Kokichi said with a smile. "Why not go off and find someone to murder for your precious astronaut boyfriend over there~!" I had said with an incredibly cheerful tone.

Maki grabbed me by the scarf, holding me up. It was growing difficult to breathe, but I merely smiled. Sooner or later she dropped me, muttering something about how I'm not worth her time.

Rantaro put a hand on my shoulder, so I turned around with my fake smile, as he sighed.

"You have got to stop treating people like that if you even want a CHANCE at making more friends here, Ouma." He said in a calm, yet angry tone. Once again, I had smiled, shaking off the words.

"Oh, Rantaro-chan... I have all the friends I need! My organization! And you guys!" I said in a cheerful voice.

...I couldn't bear to think of my organization, but I had chosen to ignore the negativity beginning to cloud my thoughts.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, 'ultimate supreme leader-'" Rantaro said in a mocking tone.

"Hey! Rude, bow down to the Ultimate Supreme Leader of evil himself!" I said, my normal smile returning to my face, while Rantaro sighed.

It wasn't long before the teacher walked in, waving her hands around.

"Calm down class, calm down.." Mr. Monodam, the homeroom teacher and teacher for half our classes, said in a neutral and semi-robotic tone. The class soon calmed down.

"Good. I shall do roll call, and then we shall begin the day with mathematics." He smiled, making the entire class, including me, groan.

Today was going to be a very long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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