"Are you seeing someone?"

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Chapter I, "Are you seeing someone?"

Seoul, 2020

Every day over the past four years, on his way to his office behind the wheel of his grey Mercedes SUV, as he was crossing the Han River bridge, Park Sae Ro Yi surprised himself by holding his breath at the sight of the Yongsan tower. As if the tower symbolized the whole journey he'd embraced since his first day in Itaewon, and as if this whole life he had built for himself was nothing but a sweet and cruel dream he could wake up from at any moment. He gripped the wheel harder, checked his reflection in the rearview mirror, and finally allowed himself to breathe. This reality was nothing but what he had worked hard for, and he was not going to let it go. He confidently stepped on the pedal, more convinced than ever that it was only the beginning.

"Good morning, Sir!" he heard from different staff in the lounge, saluting him and bowing. It was something he still couldn't adjust to.

"Good morning!" He always replied by bowing also. By the elevator, his secretary was waiting for him, briefing him on the heavy agenda of the day. He was listening while saluting people.

"Good morning, Hyungnim!" Saluted him Choi Seung Won, heartily in his Busan accent, followed by pretty Ma Hyeon Hi.

"Hello, you two."

It was funny how these familiar faces made him immediately at ease. Ma Hyun Hi stepped in for the brief of the day as they entered his office. He hung his coat and instinctively looked through his glass wall to spot the office across his, separated by a common lobby where his secretary was.

"Did you hear me?"

"Sorry, what?" He snapped at Ma Hyeon Hi's last sentence.

"The interview with TBTC, have you thought about it?" She asked again.

"Where is Yi Seo?" He asked, sitting on his chair, clearly ignoring the latter's question. She smiled. Something he also chose to ignore. - "Is she late or something?"

"Ha!" scoffed Seung Won who was also sitting. - "Don't make me laugh as if that workaholic ghost could EVER be late."

"She's been here since 7 am for a Visio with Australia..."

"Australia?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Don't ask me about it; she doesn't want to talk about it yet." He gave a faint smile. - "She was in her office just a moment ago; she probably went out for-"

She barely finished her sentence when they could hear in the hallway no other than Yi Seo, speaking this time in Japanese with a file and mug filled with black coffee in her hand. The secretary she shared with Park Sae Ro Yi quickly stood up to salute her. She held her phone away:

"Kim Bi-Seo; could you make me three copies of this file and add it to the material for the Chinese branch investment meeting, please?"

"Yes, of course, mam! The meeting is in 10 minutes, will you be on time?"

"Yes, I'll be there."

She looked towards his office, where she noticed them looking at her. She noticed him. She waved in salutation before pointing at her phone. She made sure to shoot him a wink before disappearing into her office, where she threw her jacket on her chair. Now he felt even better. Now he felt complete, surrounded by his people who've been there since day one, surrounded by her, without whom he would've never been able to accomplish the third of what he did.

"Knock, knock" said Ma Hyeon Hi, tapping on his desk. He snapped again. He cleared his throat.

"Yes, the interview, what does Yi Seo think?" He asks, avoiding her amused gaze.

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