Ice Cream

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"What do you mean?"

Your question left them speechless. Your brother was a bit confused and asked you again. "Satori loves chocolate ice cream and Ushiwaka loves Hayashi Rice. This can't be mere coincidence." After explaining his side, he placed his hand on his mouth and acted shocked. "Y/n, don't tell me..."

You landed a chop on Kizuki's head that made him pout. "Oi, do you have amnesia? I bought the ice cream because it's also your favorite. Hayashi Rice is one of mom's specialty. This is merely a coincidence, plus they get to enjoy their food Ya know." You retorted and shoved a spoonful of rice in your mouth.

"You must be a very lucky person, Y/n-chan~" Tendou hummed while happily eating his lunch. 'Too bad that Kizuki doesn't share any luck with you~' Tendou thought with a smile on his face.

"I think so? Because when I went to the grocery this morning, they were on sale for a limited time only." You beamed and ate the last piece of beef in your plate. Seeing that Tendou and Ushijima have already finished their lunch, you picked their plates from their sides and almost making a close contact.

You placed the dishes in the sink and rinsed them with water to easily wash it later. Your brother was the last to finish and he did the same thing you did on the plates. You went in the refrigerator to take the ice cream out. "Oooh so cold!" You almost dropped the ice cream because of how cold it is.

"Kizuki, where are the cups?" Tendou asked whilst standing beside you and looking for the cups. He saw the cups that was settled in front of you but you're too busy to notice him and walked in his direction. He was leaning so that he could grabbed the cups but instead the two of you hitted each other's forehead.

"Satori, watch out." Ushijima warned and his eyes darted at your direction full of worries. "Gomen~ gomen~ Y/n-chan." He apologized while rubbing his forehead and unintentionally rubbing yours to which made you blush. "I'm o-o kay! Those are new cups, the other cups are beside the sink." You explained and immediately went out of his sight and placed the ice cream on the table.

"Are you okay, Y/n-san?" Ushijima asked and pointed at your forehead. "Yep, it's nothing major. It's not like a broke a bone or two so don't worry!" You assured and tapped your forehead twice. "See?" You smiled and sat on a vacant seat. Tendou made sure to give cups to each before sitting.

Kizuki eyed Tendou as if they were talking in their minds and just as you were about to make a move and scoop first on the ice cream because no one was taking the initiative to do it, two spoons stabbed the center of the ice cream and almost making you shriek.

It was from Tendou and Kizuki who are now both smiling from ear to ear. "You never ceased to impress me in being a Guess Monster." Kizuki smirked, still holding the spoon that he stabbed on the ice cream. "No no~ I thought I stabbed the ice cream first~" Tendou replied who was also holding the spoon that was stabbed in the ice cream.

It was so hilarious but at the same time childish. 'Don't tell me their fighting on who is going to scoop first!?' You faced palm and a realization suddenly came into you. 'There is still a sane person around here other than me! I think he can stop them!' You eyed Ushijima and pointed at the two idiots in front of you.

Ushijima nodded and grabbed them in the shoulders. "I know that you guys are excited after reuniting but it's rude to play with food." Ushijima said and the both of them immediately take back their own spoons and acted like nothing happened. 'Ushijima-san is so cool!' You thought.

"You guys really missed each other~" You teased before scooping on the ice cream. The center was already ruined and you decided to leave it for Kizuki's share with the thought in mind that it was still an ice cream.

Time flew faster than you have expected and it was already time for them to go home. "Tendou-san, Ushijima-san, are you going to visit again?" You asked with a smile on your face. "If we have time, we will definitely visit again." Ushijima answered and thanked you and your sibling for the hospitality.

"See you again, Y/n-chan~" Tendou said while waving at you. You waved back and looked at your brother who was watching their backs while they set off. "BRO, ARE YOU NOT GOING TO SEND THEM OFF?" You asked in such a manner which made him cringe.

"Their school issues official dormitories. I don't have to send off those monsters!" Kizuki explained with a blushing face. "Why the hell are you blushing. It's not like your sending off your girlfrie-- oh sorry, boyfriend." You teased before going inside the house.

"You're too harsh, calling your childhood friends 'monsters'." You muttered while washing the dishes. "Well, they are 'monsters'." Kizuki replied while cleaning the table. You glanced at him with a confused expression. "What do you mean?" You asked in curiosity and waited for his reply.

"They asked really monsters when it comes to volleyball. Ushiwaka is the ace of his team while Satori is a monster at guessing. They attend Shiratorizawa Academy." Kizuki explained and asked him another question. "Why didn't you attend the same school as them then?" You asked which made him smile.

"Isn't it obvious? I want to beat their ass." Your brother declared with a triumphant look. "Get real, you just didn't pass the entrance examination am I right?" You said and rolled your eyes in his direction which made him silent and wipe the table in tears.

The leftover dish fromunch wasn't enough to cover your dinner so you decided to cook another dish. Up in opening the fridge, you saw aomething that made you smile and grabbed it.

While laughing mischievously, you muttered "This Salami reminds me of Tendou-san's hair~"

A chapter as I promised~♡

Also, I was curious and searched 'tender salami' and I was expecting it to be a dish or some sort but was greeted with this

Also, I was curious and searched 'tender salami' and I was expecting it to be a dish or some sort but was greeted with this

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And I saw this, please don't kill me

And I saw this, please don't kill me

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