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"Justin, you have to see this video, it's really important." My mom put the laptop in my arms. I reached for my phone and I took the speaker off.

"Babe, I got to go, my mom is making me watch this video." I told Selena, who was on the other line.

"Oh, alright. I'll call you later then, is that okay?" Selena sounded disappointed by this.

"Yeah, sounds great. Selena?"

"Yes?" She answered automatically.

"I love you." This came from deep within me.

She giggled and then answered with an, "I love you too." She sounded happy now.

And with that, I ended the call.

"Alright mom, what is so important that you interrupted my call with Selena?" It's not that I was trying to sound rude, not at all but my mom knows that since my Believe tour is about to start, Selena and I, we don't get to talk to each other all the time. We don't get to see each other because we both have our self promotions.

"Justin, it's this video. This mom, she sent it to me through twitter, it's about her daughter. Justin, her daughter has 17 days left to live, can you imagine that? That is just horrible. Well, this lady's daughter, she has 3 big wishes that she wants to accomplish and one of those wishes involves you. She wants to meet you." My mom gave me a smile, even though she had watery eyes and a sad expression. "Are you going to go see her, Justin?"

"I don't know mom. Right now, I'm barely going to get into the boot camp for Believe Tour and I just have to be focused on this." I was thinking of all the stuff that I have to get done for this tour, it was too much to handle.

"Well, all I'm saying is that you should at least say hi to the girl and just get to know her for the day. That'll make her wish come true."

"I don't know mom." I shook my head, trying to refuse but then I thought about all my Beliebers, they mean the world to me. And I wouldn't be here in this position if it weren't for them.

"She has 17 days left to live Justin, please do this for her." My mom pleaded me. "It'll be a dream come true to her."

"Alright, I'll do it, just to make her smile each one of those days that she has left to live." I was happy that I had the power to make someone else happy. "How are we going to meet her though?"

"She's in San Francisco, here in California."

"Mom, that is miles away from here." I explained to her.

"I know but you already agreed, so pack your bags 'cause we're going to San Francisco."

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