Chapter Five ~ Stiles

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*Derek's POV*

Scott had stormed out of my house about an hour ago without a word. I was still reeling from the fact that the new kid, the sheriff's son, is my mate. I didn't think I'd ever get a mate. Well, of course I'd have a mate. I just didn't expect it to be now. I mean, why now? Shouldn't I get a warning before something like this?

I haven't even begun thinking about having a mate! I've been too busy looking over Beacon Hills to even worry about caring about someone. That's why I turned Scott, with his permission of course. I couldn't be everywhere in town at once.

Stiles. I haven't even seem him and I already know he's the most beautiful and important person in the entire universe. Yet he's afraid of me.

With this thought, I saw red. I had to go for a run to calm myself down. I'm lucky I have some form of control, or else I would've tracked the hint of Stiles' lingering scent back to where he's presently at. And since the kid would be stupid to go into the woods, I would most likely find myself in the middle of town. Or some place worse.

It was a part of the alpha laws that no alpha is allowed to shift - or be shifted - in the town unless they're protecting their pack or mate. Hence, why most alphas live in the forest. Because of this, the majority of towns without woods go unprotected.

I had just gotten home after my run when a familiar scent wafts through my house. Stiles? What the hell is he doing here?

The scent becomes gradually more potent, making my claws extend and teeth itch to come out. God damn it, Stiles. What are you doing to me? Can't you stop smelling so fucking amazing? It's distracting.

My mate approaches my front door, making me let out a low growl. So low, I doubt he could've heard it. There's a sounding knock, but I barely register it.

The scent is driving me crazy. If his scent is this amazing, how the hell would he look? I'm not prepared. He's going to be perfect. His body will fit into mine as if he was the missing puzzle piece in my life. He probably is.

Knowing that Stiles and I will be together, that this beautiful scent will eventually become mine forever, calms me down. My claws retract and I feel my body relax.

"Hello?! Is anyone home?! I got lost, and I don't own a phone! Is there anyone in there who can help me?!" a voice yells.

I freeze in place. Holy shit. Even his voice threatens to bring me to my knees. What are you doing to me, Stiles? How can one man do this to me without even trying?

Okay, Derek. Calm yourself. You can do this. You can meet your mate. Just open the door.

I go to do just that, stopping in my tracks. I was just in wolf form, and I switched back. I haven't even changed yet.

Quickly, I run up the steps. I try to be quiet, as to not disturb my awaiting mate. I toss on a quick random outfit, not even really registering what I'm putting on.

I take a deep breath, going down the stairs and towards the door. I stop, running my hands through my hair in hopes of getting it somewhat normal. Inevitably, I only make it look worse.

Opening the door, I inhale sharply. Holy shit. I can't believe this is my mate. How in the hell did I get so lucky?

He's lanky, pale, and fidgeting. The dark fluffy hair situated on Stiles' head is neat, every hair in place. His whiskey eyes captivate me, almost making me forget where I am. Don't even get me started on his goddamn moles. Fuck.

"Sorry," I say breathlessly. God, I can't believe this is my mate. And I'm speaking to him. "I was -- I didn't know who you were." I run a hand through my hair, trying desperately to make myself look good enough that my mate will want me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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