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Madalena was walking through the woods,stupid idea yeah yeah,she knows,but her best friend Casey told her to meet her there and so here she is being stupid and going to meet her here.Madalena couldn't help but always feel as if someone was following her and she knew it wouldn't be Nolan because he always showed himself and would immediately drag her back home.She felt uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach as she kept glancing behind her to make sure no one was following and once she looked back in front of her,she screamed and the other person scream as well

"You bitch!"Casey exclaimed as she held onto her chest."No you!"Madalena exclaimed back as she took in a deep breath,"I'm the one thinking someone is following me so it's you who's know"Madalena said as she flailed her arms in front of her.Casey raised an eyebrow,"Bitch?"she questioned making Madalena glare at her." tell me what did you want to show me,I have to go home before Nolan finds out I'm gone and if he does and finds out I'm with you,he'll kill you"she pointed making Casey scoff."I like to see him try,come on"she said as she grabbed Madalena's hand and lead her the way

As they were walking,they both felt eyes on them and would shift uncomfortably once in awhile.Unlike Madalena,Casey would always start off by calling them out and if they didn't she would scream

"Are we there yet?"Madalena questioned Casey who nodded as they stopped in front of cautious tape making Madalena raise an eyebrow,"Why are we here?"Madalena questioned.Casey walked through the tape and towards the covered body before uncovering them and immediately Madalena gagged as she looked away from the body,their eyes looking directly at her,"this"Casey says nonchalantly making Madalena cringe."why are you showing me this?"Madalena wined as she looked anywhere but the body.Casey looked at her best friend,"The person the died had a letter on their chest"she said as she walked over to her best friend and handed the letter,"and had you and yours brothers name in it"she finished as Madalena raised an eyebrow before they suddenly heard a whoosh around them and immediately turned around as their backs touched."Who ar-"Madalena was cut off by Casey nudging her and shushing her.They heard leaves crunching and without thinking they ran off and leaving their bags where they were

Footsteps walked over to where the girls were and picked up Madalena's phone as they opened it up to see a picture of Madalena with her mom and brother

"Step one is complete"

a/n:sorry for the wait,I was on my other account writing my other story

i have a question

if i were to write another story or a TW/TO/TVD imagines book of both genders

would you read it?

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