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a/n;if it has this font it's Madalena's thoughts
Nolan stormed into Isaac's home seeing red.He stormed up the stairs and kicked open his door where he pushed Isaac against the wall with his eyes vampire face on show as dusk filled the room a bit.Isaac's eyes widened as he stared at Nolan who's hand tightened on his shirt

"Where is she you piece of shit?!"Nolan shouted in anger as Madeline and Klaus rushed in as Madeline tried to pry Nolan off of Isaac while Klaus watched amused."Where's who?!"Isaac said with panic in his voice as he stared at Nolan with wide eyes."Nolan!let him go"Madeline said as she tried to pull Nolan back who wasn't having it."You know who!"Nolan growled as his grip tightened even more to the point that it was about to be ripped off.Isaac looked at Madeline who mouthed Madalena,"i don't know where she is,i seen her after leaving school with Casey"Isaac said making Nolan marrow his eyes."Where did they go?"Nolan questions as his grip was loosening a bit.Isaac took a deep breath,"i remember Casey saying that they should go to the woods and she knows them like the back of her hand"Isaac said and before anyone could say anything,Klaus and Nolan vamp sped off to the woods

Casey and Madalena were back to the spot they were last time and glanced at each other as Casey growled

"For fuck sakes!"she shouted earning a smack from Madalena who glared but Casey only glared back,"whoever fucked these woods up,ima fuck you up"Casey said with fury as Madalena took a step back a bit,"and i ain't playing no fucking games fu-"Casey fell down onto the floor making Madalena gasped as she went to rush over but only stopped when two people stood in her way wearing mask making Madalena quietly scoff

typical crime

"Excuse me"Madalena said as politely she could,"your in my best friends way and if you don't move in the next,let say,3 seconds,i won't hesitate to make your blood vessels pop"she smiled as she tried to walk by them only for the women to stick her hand out and push her back,"Excuse you!"Madalena said with rage her eyes now glowed a purple as she stared at the two in front of her,"you lot have no right to lay a hand on me!and i will not allow it"she firmly said as she raised her hands and pushed them back but it didn't work making her face drop as the man glared at her and sped over and choking her,"never mind"Madalena struggled before her neck was quickly snap and she fell limp on the ground.The women walked over and touched the mans shoulder,"Step three is complete"

Klaus and Nolan rushes around the woods with the family following behind as Nolan had forced Isaac to stay in the car "to keep watch",which Isaac one was a totaled lie but seeing Nolan furious made him stay

"Where is she?!"Nolan growled out as he looked around while Madeline stopped and concentrated on something making Nolan snap his head back towards her,"What are you doing?hurry!we need to find Mada"he said as he went to grab her only for her to snap her fingers and for the family to appear where Madalena and Casey were.Klaus looked at Madeline who was looking straight at the two backpacks on the ground,"you are a genius,love"Klaus said making Madeline look at him but with a blank face that tried not to let the tears fall.Nolan rushed over and grabbed both backpacks and looking through them and seeing their phone but to no luck,it was broken,"bloody damit!"Nolan shouted as he threw the phone on the ground

The women and the man stood behind trees with full smirks

"Step four"
"Is complete"

a/b;I'm so sorry for the wait guys,i was debating on actually continuing this story because as you know(some of you)i had a second account called


and i had published a story called

The Forgotten

well,someone reported my account and had it get down which also meant the my book was actually forgotten and also meant that all the hard work i did was just a waste

but i made a new account that i might be publishing a DIFFRENT book and maybe the forgotten but better then the original version(im still debating)

so if you like,my new account is


you can go ahead and follow and i'll follow you back:)

hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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